Sunday, June 9, 2019

Rewrite article from a quantitative to a qualitative study Essay

Rewrite article from a duodecimal to a qualitative examine - Essay ExampleCompounded with the aging population of registered nurse, the problem is yet to be solved. The author identifies high turnover and increased cost of switching as a major seek problem. Current literature contains numerous research articles on job satisfaction. However, most of these literature materials analyze the problem from a business perspective. Although health organizations operate under fundamental business principles, job satisfaction issues require professional analysis. Ideally, the article intends to express severity of the looming nurses shortages, determine the leading factors, and hypothesize possible solutions to the nurses recruitment and retention question. The author intended to develop sufficient solution to fundamental research questions. Firstly, the author treasured to establish the role of job satisfaction in employee retention. Additionally the article explores the role of workload and incentives on recruitment and retention of specialized nurse. Issues of remuneration and the bespeak to harmonize the salary of nurses with those of other civil servant also featured in the article. The researcher utilized quantitative techniques for (n=62). Questionnaires were the main research tools applied in the research. Samples were drawn from qualified nurse in critical and surgical care units of five Southern States Hospitals that were identified for the study. The researchers distributed 201 questionnaires, of which 121 were considered valid. The nursing job satisfaction scale NJSS was utilize alongside the questionnaires to gauge the level of satisfaction among nurse (Davis, Ward, Woodall, Shultz, & Davis, 2007). Additionally, other researchers relied on demographic materials to collect essential information. Critical information acquired from demographic materials included level of education, experience, and age and employment status of nurses. Participation in the research was on voluntary basis. This element was essential in ensuring equal participation of nurses from different specializations. Although the research did not consolidate all possible cases, it achieved a fair coverage. autarkic variables in the study included new recruitments, highest attained qualification for nurse, age, and level of incentives. Independent variables included rate of employees turnover, new applications and rate of employee retention. The choice of independent and dependent variables favored the research questions. Arguably, the research design allowed the researcher to respond to the initial research questions. Data analysis was conducted using SPSS (Version 14.0). This analysis was conducted using an independent t test to differentiate between surgical and critical unit nurse. The quantitative research did not establish significant differences between critical unit nurses and surgical nurses in terms of job satisfaction. Additionally, the study establishe d that both units experient equivalent rate of employee turnover. Ideally, job satisfaction among health workers is independent of salary scale and professional level of individual employee. Being a quantitative study the research intended to measure response of independent variable from subsequent changes in independent variables. Alternatively, if the study were qualitative, the researcher would be concerned with change of man behavior from change in each of the

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