Monday, June 10, 2019

Life of Baruch Spinoza Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Life of Baruch Spinoza - Assignment ExampleHis perspective that everything that exists results from paragon characterizes Spinozas works. He claims that Gods qualities are infinite, and humankind can only perceive thought and extension. Such a perception rules humanity in the sense that the thought of God goes beyond what is visible. Such a perception of ethics led him to put his works in writing titled The Ethics. As such, Spinoza believed that ethics can result from the belief that God or nature defines everything (Spinoza, & Morgan, 2006). He summarized his works with the assertion that the knowledge of God is the sterling(prenominal) good as it eliminates fear, oppression from desires, and results in blessings.Despite all his philosophical works, Spinoza earned a living from grinding lenses. He lived a blue life residing at The Hague. In 1677, Spinoza suffered from lung illness attributable to inhaling fine glass dust. He died later on before turning 45. His works confront v alid through the years due to his recognition of the link between God and nature (Spinoza, & Morgan,

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