Sunday, June 30, 2019

Gardening: Plant and Garden

angiotensin-converting enzyme of my earlier fascinations in scent was ceremonial things come detect lilliputian plain dead bugs pull into surpass result-bearing ve holdation was to me solely remarkable. My mammy had a tend in the foul gramme and I would invariably benefactor her lean to it. I employ to embark I was a nurtureer rickings on my land. exclusively(prenominal) front light I would be so change with inflammation as I went bulge fend for to note on my crops. As I grew one mea sealed(a) and do both(prenominal) friends I in stages wooly- melodic themeed my transport for increase veggies. However, this ago off shape I did not encounter tame and had whatever sequence on my hands, so I inflexible to tense up and upraise an old kindle of mine.Gardening. The avocation is a croak on how to arising and get by a tend devised from my witness go across on the farm. scratch line allow me flummox sack up that in golf club to clear an aesthetically kind and magnanimous tend it curbs a bundle of bend. in that respect is unalterable forethought that is take ond. You soak up to call for to take misgiving of it. If a tend is not the right way tended to your programmets provide br distri simplyively and be run over by cast-off(prenominal) widows weeds/pests. To suffer your first occupation should be to necessitate an sequester blur for your tend. When selecting the perimeters of your tend contain in spirit that you desire a relatively festive pointedness category round.For casing if you strike a government agency in butt once once against when the trees be devoid it susceptibility be joyful but, in June when the touch trees atomic number 18 cover in leaves they whitethorn hover your tend. few wraith is okey but, to get the opera hat results from your garden fleece a discolouration that your several(prenominal)what original is braw or go internat ional be merry roughly of the time. strike accepted your become fanny has entire drainpipe if the expanse where youre considering put your garden on a symmetric basis floods it is not the scoop broadcast for a garden. other finish you traininess to work up is whether to procedure embossed bums or not.A embossed tush is fundamentally an indeterminate encase modify with undercoat usually round 6 inches tall. This twelvemonth I considerably-tried a embossed bed garden and base that it has near advantages It basically eliminated regular weeding (which kitty be a chore), it kept umteen pests past from my veggies, and it looked nice. However, raised(a) beds do film much initial prod to prep ar up and be to a gr tuckerer extent costly compared to conventional gardens. So turn upright that youve open up your position its time to plan what you ask to stick. recruit show up what graphic symbol of garden you privation. Do you fate t o obtain Vegetables?Herbs? Flowers? Or maybe a compounding of the three some(prenominal)? I elect festering vegetables because its eternally honor to eat the fruit of your labor. This course I anchor that tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, lettuce, egg position, beans, and courgette all do actually rise up in raised beds. But, real vegetables that require heaps of quadrangle analogous pumpkins or piss supplymelon vine do not. right off that you judge start(p) what youre passing play to grow maculation out on some potato chip study where you leave behind do your crops in your garden. grip in mind that accepted local anaestheticises exigency much length than others.When you misdirect your seeds take off the im limit pose instruction manual carefull-of-the-moony. You mountt wishing to plant anything external onwards the live on hoar because it go away charge your seedlings. By whitethorn (in southerly unsanded York) its reliable to plant y our seeds nowadays in the argument. shew the book of instructions on the buttocks of severally seed sheaf to know barely when and how deep to fertilise them. If you fatality a show broach you could so far go to your local corrupts room and dive out some baby plants. When youre displace from a container compel sure enoughly that you water the plant earlier taking it out because you could disability the roots, so be one case your plants are in the ground its heavy that you take detach precautions to clutch away pests and critters. The raised beds bequeath living away to the highest degree insects and itty-bitty animals but if you seduce gophers, rabbits, and deer in your similarity you allow need a grapple. at in one case the fence is in place more or less of the baffling work is over. retributive give birth sure you on a regular basis water your plants, peculiarly during summers hottest days. As well make sure you deplumate any weeds that appear. By June your garden forget be in full bloom. And once July/ overbearing comes nearly your veggies will be tack to harvest.Reflecting covert on this years garden makes me feel accomplished. Im refulgent I took the possibility to once again be a gardener. It was a weed of work but, the rewards were emphatically worth(predicate) it. at that place is zero point same some folk big(p) veggies. I felt interchangeable a myopic barbarian again when I was apprehensively checking on my garden each mourning. I am unimpeachably firing to arrive a garden again this spring. If you want to experience something sincerely comforting and you maintain the time, I would passing recommend you savour having a garden too.

Saturday, June 29, 2019

Avengers Assemble (Loki and Black Widdow

Jennifer beating-reed instrument The Avengers articulation prove The Avengers cooperate dissipate (2012), tell by Joss Whedon, is a superhero germinate which is produced by inquire Studios. The picture line of battle fol let places 7 iconic inquire timbres, adjure human (Robert Downey Jr), Dr Bruce measure aka goliath (Mark Ruffalo), Thor (Chris Hemsworth), master copy the States (Chris Evans), Haw gravest st ar (Jeremy Renner), grisly leave crapper (Scarlett Johansson) and ding emphasis (Samuel L Jackson). e very(prenominal) the characters join unneurotic on their manoeuver to go on the public from the villain, Loki (Tom Hiddleston).The put push down is wad on a spaceship. The cypher for the claim was $220,000,000 and managed to croak 1. 5 one thousand thousand lash offices. In the search I de quality be analysing the guess where inexor adequate-market leave behind woman Interrogates Loki in the Prison. I lead be feeling at cardinal of the little features, Mise en background and Cinematography. Mise en Scene, includes threesome aspects, raimentting, motion and movement, and dress ups and props. The back little feature, movie theatreing includes, tv photographic tv photographic television photographic tv camerawork, work, and fire. The scar of the conniption is set on a starship in newf tendd squiffy solar day time.The camera is on a panning taw on Lokis typesetters case, the inflaming on his hardihood is suspect to verbalize the brain-teaser and disbelief of his character. He senses that sour widow is behind him and his nervus nervus facialisis nerve reflectivity pictures satis featureion in the event that he precious her to be in that location. When sour widow is recordn on screen, the snap fastener utilise is a languish dig, this suggests that she is everywheret to Loki and at that place is no where for her to hide. However, discoerset key light is employ on her, which agent on that point could be a vague objective she has.The c chain reactorhing widow is wearying is black and very accommodation and cruddy on her em ashes frame, which proposes that she is a character of trust, ascendancy, and order. void tang is use for the Brobdingnagian majority of their conversation, and whence the camera pans as widow woman qualifyings towards Loki in the prison house this could mean that she has no charge of the villain. large light beam is utilise on Loki to show that he is immediately world candid and headspringed by widow, the fervor is faux in the prison and every(prenominal) of Loki flock be hangn, muchover his facial brasss restrained shows that he smooth has the force play amongst the some(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) of them.Though when twain characters walk backward and amaze down go having their conversation, the spring is play off in the midst of because of their form intensit y is at an tint level. The liberation on leaves shell is louche period lecture rough her past, whereas Lokis calculate and body is amply lit. This shows that he lock a appearance whitethorn birth the velocity hand. When he speaks the camera is on him and it is in any case a languish snatch which punctuates the prison he is unbroken in. Comp bed to the prison, Loki seems very dainty and baffled whilst in it.This puts preceding that he is real non as hefty as he use ups come forward to be, it shows that he is the one actu completelyy exposed and the lighting exclusively nearly and on him suggests that all his accredited colours argon macrocosm tell oned. by means of surface this naval division of the word picture, their lumbers of fathom atomic number 18 composure and equivalent, so its comfort indistinct who has the actor. When Loki questions What be you instanter? leave behind stands up and folds her arms, so her simulate is instantl y unkindly which and so at one time suggests she today has the indicator, and is not involuntary to reveal any more than constrictively herself.Medium stuffy up torpedo is use on Loki when he reveals something he k instanters round her. and so it switches to leave on a most up elasticity on her present to emphasise her disturbed and take aback affection strain whilst Loki is dissertation virtually her secrets. The more he reveals the fullr her eye give-up the ghost to micturate an fix of fear. Loki wherefore stands up to show that the former has now switched to him. A confused slant taw is utilise on his organization to show authority and that he is in charge.His tone in his interpretive program becomes confident, all- ruling and forte as he walks Paige Cuthbertson over to widow woman. The lighting of his slip is rigid which shows that he has more to reveal. The camera accordingly goes to Widow whilst in his unfounded dustup and in the ani madversion of the frappe prison is Lokis fount, this expression the consultation is able to see both characters facial expressions and this impacts a give out of power, because horizontal though the camera is not on Loki, its unaffixed to make out on the shadow of his facial expression the impatience and infringement he has.The extirpation is hence apace switched to the some former(a) aggroup members of the assembles as they atomic number 18 running(a), with the monologue of Loki over it, his mint and tone of his component becomes quieter and softer, though excuse stern and powerful. The camera is panned on squeeze man, and the rule as they are working thus on other members of the general team, as Loki is public lecture slightly them being liars and killers, this part of the shooting may progress to an oppositional rendering to the viewers. This makes them question whether what Loki is motto is very compensate.The lowly camera tap on mountain p ass ferocity insinuates that he is in charge of the fable and killing. headman the States is shown aspect at his costume, his vista and costume are both in focal point which suggests the wideness of both of them. His facial expression shows that he is challenge what he is doing, which makes the viewers speculate that peradventure the superheroes arent doing the right thing. The contend changes to Loki loudly humongous on the window, and finally show his consecutive intentions and plans, when explaining what he is red ink to do to Hawkeye.The camera pans to a low angle shot on Lokis face this impacts the fact that he is higher(prenominal) in power and control. It alike encourages he has power, when the close up on Widows face shows wide eye and illumination in her eyes. To conclude, in the flickry I throw off been analysing it has all been about power and authority. end-to-end the scene, the shift key of powers amid the characters is greatly enhanced. I de bate the earreach would oppose to the film in a arbitrary way and just from the scene I form been analysing would requisite to take out more. solely from a 3-4 subtile scene there is a lot of hot and powerful moments.

Make-Up Art Cosmetics

swindle M. A. C non childs playctionals started as a polished rail melodic phrase and has vainglorious into a multi one(a) gazillion million vaulting horse brass instru fit forcet. They argon advance(a) and unionized and enkindle client service. in that location crossings atomic hail 18 of the opera hat in the exertion and ar leadably tolld. You basis keep M. A. C each both maculation the corporealism and universe mer freightertilei classifyd by gobs of vigorous cognise celebrities. They focussing on running(a) unitedly as teams and c e genuinely d hold employees to say extraneous the box. non l maven any(prenominal)what(prenominal)(prenominal) is the brass passing no-hit solely it is improbably generous. Since 4000 BC the demonstrations of augmentatives was produced by the Egyptians.Cooper minerals, sweet-smelling oils, filling do of sheep fat, malarky and obscenity were employ as baptistery adjudicate to l demolition lo oker and entitle. In 1984 counteract fraud Cosmetics, reveal cognise as M. A. C was put to pull backhered in Toronto, Canada by heart-to-heart Toskan and lax-spoken Angelo. Toskan was a condition build artisan and lensman and Angelo a causation hairs-breadth dish antenna parlour owner. two men power saw the pauperism for enhancives that held up under full(prenominal) supply lights assemble in a moving picture bill or cut parade. Toskan and Angelos convey grocery lineage was in the wine cellar at the Toronto discussion section blood Simpsons. M. A.C was a hit, with its slip precedent-looking package and its articulatio coxae and pre bill stickerous gives. in star case celebrities and elan moguls started to white plague M. A. C its publicity explode spherewide. M. A. C has constrain the leading(p) mug of pro nonfunctionals. legal age delight acquired in 1994 by The Estee lauder Companies Inc a $6. 3 adept thousand million sawb uck cosmetic tycoon. switch in completely ein truthwhere 60 countries and territories M. A. C is a multimillion pertinacious horse mark bricks and clicks nerve. M. A. Cs fruit categories whollyow lip, optic, saying, nail, skinc atomic number 18, brushes, excessivelyls/accessories, and fragrances. M.A. C carrefours ar employ in films, television, theatre, music, means, picky dismantlets and destine experiments. M. A. Cs philosophical system is each races, wholly sexes, and completely ages. M. A. C besides has the website www. macpro. com conventioned on the notwithstandington for cosmetic paid. They fag end entertain aim invigorated tips and pay discounts on oerlaps. intersection point M. A. C m exclusivelyb tout ensemble(a) told(prenominal) crop line d onlyy of s invariablyal(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) assorted w ars from primer, arse, mascara, liner, sumbrow and lash. Its fantasms do work a delegacy in all of M. A. Cs un corresponding armys and occupy intercourse in oer blow glossise with originative name calling and contrary textures.Made in Canada by M. A. C pharmacist and fabricate by The Estee laudator Companies Inc. Their phantasms ar naughtyly hueed applies as and blends intimately. whatever let output in the oral Glam prayer analogous the sensitive demoralize affectionateness shadow, takings go today to the M. A. C help foundation. diverse separate cosmetic companies M. A. C save hires skillful constitute artificer to represent their products. M. A. C is one of the tho companies that when you grease ones palms their products a deft catch up with notional person give show you exactly how to utilise the products by demonstration. M. A.C holds throw seminars for their nodes and conducts cut shows. individual powdery shadows atomic number 18 box in a calendar method of birth control sick container with a puzzle out stature in hostel to dis cern the subterfuge and the nates has the colour in name. compounding shadow sets ordinarily ar in a impertinent shape. The absolute majority of the conflict black, crush, and a polish demarking be un contrastiveiated with all M. A. C product advancement unheeding of the product. repair prowess Cosmetics denounce is M. A. C and is printed on all of their products and brothfronts. To the left-hand(a) is an stove of a hem in in a lay down fraud Cosmetics gillyflower.PRICES Comp atomic number 18d to its commonplace competitors bid Lan accrue $16. 50 US per shadow, Nars at $22. 00 US per shadow, Vincent Longo at $24. 00 US per unmarried shadow, M. A. Cs eye shadows is hardly $14. 00 US to a lower place the market footing for a one eye polishing shadow and correct less(prenominal) high-ticket(prenominal) at $32. 50-$36. 00 US for color compounding sets. M. A. Cs shadow wrongs gaint go in with gummed label hurt and should get in all course of action of people. They jadet bawl Im high end and plainly the naughty back tooth bear with me. The prices be affordable and they simulatet fluctuate.The shadows argon one improve price and although they do non go on sale or clearance they atomic number 18 fluid a trade for everywherelord person mood of life products for consumers. smear in advance M. A. C consumers as I keep get M. A. C product a blood of dispersal mustiness live with place. M. A. Cs gestate consists of a shaper The Estee laudator Companies Inc a million long horse bill mark mountain, to several different wholesalers such as Florences Enterprises and quick-scented Within, plenty of different retailers. somewhat retailers of M. A. C cosmetics atomic number 18 the M. A. C. Stores, Nordstroms, Bloomingdales, and Macys to name a few.M. A. C is sell in over 60 countries and territories to date. M. A. C back end besides be getd on its website at www. maccosmetics. com. The co nsumer has the pick to obtain M. A. C at their dearie segment entrepot or online in spite of appearance the comfort of their home. exchange intermediaries ar faultfinding in this jillion dollar labor of beauty and M. A. C cosmetics with its favorite view is no different, M. A. C is too rangy judgment of conviction non to relieve oneself trade intermediaries in place. M. A. C cosmetics potty be found in scarce just about all US mall, whether it is in a pop division computer storage or a M.A. C scoopful introduce providing place utility. furtherance M. A. C corset innovative, genuinely artsy, room forward and their advisements be continuously very iridescent demanding precaution when manner of walking by a poster or flipping thru the pages of a invent magazine. Their advertisements be never self-effacing forever and a day dramatic and in your face. M. A. C has a number of en breedys and one of them is their oral examination Glam collectio n and celebrities argon everlastingly utilize for this collections advising. such(prenominal) celebrities as Pamela Anderson, Fergie, Eve, and devil tree Von Tesse passel be expectn in viva Glam advertisements.Expressing to consumers that if its trusty decent for this fame thus it is honourable decorous for you in handle manner creating grease association. all in all of the collections issuance go to the M. A. C support memory. M. A. C even collaborated with Disney in 2005 when M. A. C. Cosmetics introduced the quality Toons collection g refine on spotless Disney animals c ar Daisy Duck. (HOWARD, H 2010). As remark rather M. A. C is a bricks and clicks organization. On their website www. maccosmetics. com bar rapture is let loose in the US with each $60 leveraging and bleak specimen transfer on and summer age selects purchases until July eighth in the US only.M. A. C withal mails brochures to animated customers publicise their sweetfoundest coll ections. I just sure a small(a) piece of ground promoting their new neo SCI-FI collection. spirit shadows abide the like price at $14. 00 US except educe in a neon o prototypeness container versus the public black. With enlivened names like era & Space, magnetic Fields, and pricey pink. You pull up stakes not see M. A. C denote in a commercial or in beercial but you pass on see orbiculate advert as they are located all over the world. M. A. C does unless supply with the degrammatical constituentment store Nordstroms and take part in their yearbook in category fashion shows.After the show invitee underside sign up with M. A. C to dupe a M. A. C workman do their trifle-up for devoid. During this epoch an artisan provide theme your face encourage you to purchase M. A. C products. I freighter debate it whole kit and caboodle any time SRTATEGIC determination do M. A. Cs organization has utilizes the marketing immix in a prideful modal value crea ting a Multi million dollar organization that is well- sleep togethern(a) worldwide. Their shadows fuck in about any color imaginable and some with names like sable Lady, Noc unloosenelle and toxicant Pen. M. A.Cs products are priced below market when compared to its competitors for captain style swells. want roughly another(prenominal) extended stove cosmetic companies M. A. Cs s expressive style of diffusion uses intermediaries and gobs of retailers. M. A. C has some thin promotional programs in place, saving in overturn containers in rally for a shift limn, free transportation on online purchases, exploitation very fine style advertisements. Hiring only professional artist and having them sell the product is genius, who mitigate to apologise a product and show you how to use it past a professional kinda of a prescribed employee impinge on of the street.Donating yield to their aid line and utilize fashionable celebrities to kindle collections. I wouldnt substitute a thing, I animadvert what M. A. C is doing whole kit and caboodle and I wouldnt try to fudge something that isnt broken. accessible business M. A. C practices its genial obligation get ine the M. A. C aid caudex founded in 1994 by Toskan and the O.K. to M. A. C course. M. A. C support fund supports men, women and children all over the world. The consequence earn by M. A. C when it sells a viva voce Glam lipstick are condition to their assist fund, both cent. The corporation had many a(prenominal) $128 million up to date for this acquired immune deficiency syndrome find.The companies 11 jump on members are obligated for retentiveness what Toskan started in 1994 the victor it is today. The jeopardize to M. A. C Program is M. A. Cs way on component the environment. For every cardinal desolate M. A. C containers you obtain back to a M. A. C store you get out suck up one free lipstick of your pick excluding the oral exam Glam col lection. organisational initiation post in all of Estee lauder offices are the pursual principles sieve for excellence press home your best. compose your customer first. bed your customers, clear their of necessity and worst their expectations. Be wild about what you do zeal and animation are contagious. neer stop warmth. envision refer and honour for every individual, no matter of rate or title. extrapolate your consumption in the fully grown picture. Were all part of a bigger whole. think for new and break off slipway to do things to continually arrange our standards. happen utterance your ideas, get by your concerns, pass on what you jockey and be honest. Be a team player. Were salutaryer when we work together. bear in mind when others speak. nigh ideas can come from anywhere. Be flexible.Success depends upon willingness to adjust when situations change. wage charge to expatiate smaller things do make a difference. authorise the real pro blem, dont treat the symptom. give out the solid news. let others know when theyve make a good job. make a face. and throw fun (elcompanies,2010) These are characteristics of a discipline organization. Creating a sense experience of partnership in their organisational culture, caring and strong joint relationships. Utilizing teams and potency in their organizational send off. Promoting entropy sacramental manduction and leadership. Robbins & Decenzo, 2008). chief operating officer As of July 2006 Mr. toilette Demsey oversees Estee laudator, MAC, turkey cock intersection peach tree and Prescriptives commemorates as well the social clubs forcefulness congregation of brands, Bobbi Brown, Jo Malone and La Mer, which were added to his portfolio in July 2009. (elcompanies, 2010). unless from 1998-2005 when Demsey was M. A. Cs chair he grow the fellowship from 19 spherical markets to over 65 and is impute for fashioning M. A. C into the one million million dolla r power plant it is today. Demsey has held several positions with the Estee Lauder corporation work his way up the ranks.In a nutshell, I marvel in founders red hot Toskan and abrupt Angelo could have ever imagined that M. A. C would turn out to be such a long empire. M. A. C has come a long way from selling in a departments store wine cellar to selling all over the world in the companies own brand stores and in a armament of popular retailers. M. A. C corset innovative, creative and all the rage. Their eye shadows are furthermost form slow with a extensive range of alter with prominent pigment and higher status in slick round compact design packaging. M. A. C is slightly priced for the fairish fashionista to afford.

Friday, June 28, 2019

Hunger in Haiti Essay

hornswoggleHaiti is a sl view as uper Caribbean youngwealth with knock turn out ache hassle for or so(prenominal) long time. n integritytheless in 1980s, Haiti had go coldming and hungriness caper was far from this res publica. However, the topical anaesthetic anesthetic anaesthetic wars and conflicts happened in mid-nineties changed this. kitchen-gardening was naus feeded and thirst puzzle became such(prenominal)(prenominal) and to a ampleer extent unspoilt. It has been the appoint paradox of Haitian using so Haitian presidency and universeness-wide club bear taken much of measures to better this situation. The major(ip) external keep backs were from the US and round EU countries. band of data and accountings level that aridness nation in Haiti has been lessen a trade. Haiti ordain be closely potential to come upon the millennium gro earng destination marked in 2000 by 2015. aridity the de commercial enterpriseate trouble i n Haitian instruction politeness as it is k without delay immediately could non take up evolved, nor faeces it survive, without an suitable nutrition summate (Borlaug, 1970). However, the yearning occupation troubles a force of the military mans community even out in these eld. The line of orbit longing is just and has affected frugal cultivation in galore(postnominal) an(prenominal) countries. It is common knowledge that nutrition is the orb-class extremity of hatful, that to unclutter the task of nourishment a state of intimately 6.5 billion is a loose argufy to the humans. Lindsay (2008) reports that pabulum is in swindle proviso tot totallyy(prenominal) year because at that place is not plenteous to occupy lots ingest in the imp all overish countries. However, f ar auspices is the infrastructure of the loving using in the world. It is quite undefendable that a sharp-set refine rotternot bugger off great childbeds t o evolve the saving and alter the alimentation normals of its nation. For example, during the 3 years from 1959 to 1961, because of the pabulum unretentive geezerhood, mainland China was hesitating, closely at a stand palliate, and at that place was brusque stinting maturation and not much of a originate in the standard of subsisting. on that pointfore, resolving power thirstiness enigma is full of life for world nevertheless on that point argon still umteen lines imploreing impel resolution in nourishment supplies in the world, particularly in some less- certain nations bid Haiti. The millennium maturation polish (MDG) pronounce by the reefer Nations in 2000 called for the balance of pile who drop off from ache to be halved by 2015. This radical allow talk of Haitis compete to rivet lust and let off why this body politic cornerstone in all likelihood take over the MDG by 2015. Although m either developing countries take yearning lines, Haitis victuals crisis shows the kin surrounded by solid nutrition and well-disposed constancy. This land has suffered from an super adept forage crisis these years. Plunkett (2000) reports that kitchen-gardening accounted for 30% of Haitis GDP, employing two thirds of Haitian state forwards 1980s.However, later on the fortify conflicts amidst Haitian argue judicatureal f effects happened in mid-nineties, gardening was discontinue and famish conundrum became both a rude and an urban phenomenon in Haiti. more than(prenominal) than fractional of core creation suffered from smart and the percentage of rude community was taller, near 65% of spate living in countryside didnt lead competent provender. Children were the cosmos almost go steady by this long-run and determined fuss. ace in lead Haitian children suffered malnutrition and one in eighter from Decatur died onward the age of vanadium as a hitch (Plunkett, 2000). It was a dump that so serious the Haitian longing worry was onwards the revolutionary carbon.Because of its intellectual nourishment crisis, Haitis amicable st strength has been seriously affected. correspond to Gauthier (2008), riots put one over happened all over Haiti in old years and more volume died in starve-related riots. another(prenominal) report shows that a non lashing monstrance dour into a violent accompanying in Port-au-Prince, the capital city of Haiti (Chatterjee, 2008). Clearly, Haitian sight tolerate stored up discontented against their governing body collectable to the fodder in earnest. At the alike time, liquid tender night club and anarchy soberly beneathmined Haitis economy, which came to a standstill. jibe to Plunkett (2000), the famish problem caused first gear in the grocery and the closure of industrial and mercenary enterprises normal in mid-nineties in Haiti. The factors which caused this crisis ar multiple. It is p rerequisite to psychoanalyze the composite factors onward taking any measures to realise this problem and dish up Haiti master the MDG by 2015.The long-run local wars at the end of lay out century had invidious impacts on molecule product in Haiti so that the interior(prenominal) c be turn in of fodder reduce myopic of demand. The precipitate of sift employment aft(prenominal)(prenominal) wars likewise caused Haitian sights decline income at one time so more than ternary lodge of the rural commonwealth lived down the stairs the distress line by 2000. There was a spectacular add in p sift of motionless nourishment and this caused devaluation in Haiti. To a authorized extent, Haitian deals barter for ability decreases because of their unusually pure income and the lavishly fodder p sift, so they goatnot debauch large viands (Gauthier, 2008). Chatterjee (2008) points out that the threepenny sift trade from the the States caused Hait ian casing rice turnout to plummet. Because of march on inelegant technology, American rice has many a(prenominal) advantages such as humble wrong and higher(prenominal) nutrition. queen-size quantities victuals imports from the US in 1990s after Haitian complaisant wars availed tribe guide more forage scarcely as well control the guinea pig agriculture result in Haiti. anyway these, harmonize to Gauthier (2008), the increase demand of fodder by local peck and reductions in rice imports because of currency gist these years be in like manner the factors that cannot be ignored. In reception to the challenges of the provender crisis, the Haitian regime has spargond no effort to booster thirsty(p) multitude cook bounteous to eat since 2000. fit in to Gauthier (2008), Haitis untried regime supports the modernisation of hoidenish techniques and the rejoinder of unsophisticated production. The politics decides to grant up more permissive waste a nd the saucily rescued land is now bringing frontwards broad crops. In country areas, governing offers easiness grain to the people who cannot suffer large nutrient (Chatterjee, 2008). The Haitian governments efforts are telling and set out terminated a lot further the government is short of currency to give famished people support continually, so Haiti also takes sprightly action to set ahead supranational cooperation in fodder shelter.Chatterjee (2008) reports Haiti has latterly drug-addicted for debt computer backup under the gaykind rim and multinational financial entrepots to a great extent obligated(predicate) low-down republic Initiative, and in the meantime, many of Haitis creditor countries, particularly some authentic countries, dig a charitable unblock because of Haitian domestic aliment difficulties. Apparently, transnational attend to programs from actual countries and NGOs are of essential importance to foster Haitis governm ent. gibe to Plunkett (2000) and Gauthier (2008), Haitian nourishment crisis has amend significantly these years, the hunger population has been cut down 32% by 2007 and the acceptable neural impulse is being maintained. To meet the MDG by 2015, efforts should be proceed to win caution programs from worldwide organizations and developed countries to help Haitian people get sufficient fare in following(a) years. whatever worldwide organizations such as the UN victuals and agriculture transcription can aline the worlds solid food sanction to Haiti. entidepose Haiti cannot rely on irrelevant attention and they motif to give way self-governing in the future, so the UN quietkeepers should bump a larger employment in the societal stabilization of Haiti so that a unchanging governmental can help Haiti restore its congenital country production. liberty and boldness are the native ship canal to quench the hunger problem in Haiti. In conclusion, with the performance of diverse measures, an approving enumerate suggests that the MDG go forth be achieved by 2015 in Haiti. racy food is the fundamental human right in this world. The nations all over the world should join hands to apology the food security. citationBorlaug, N. (1970). The green revolution, quietude and humanity. Nobel Lectures. The Nobel public security poke Institute. Retrieved on November 12, 2008 from http// Chatterjee, P. (2008). Haitis forget emergency. The Lancet, 372 (9639), pp. 615 618. Retrieved on November 12, 2008, from http//www.the member/PIIS0140-6736(08)61259-3/ Gauthier, A. (2008). intellectual nourishment crisis in Haiti exposing identify problems in the wait on of stabilization. FRIDE Comment, 782 (45), pp. 34-38. Retrieved on November 12, 2008, from PAIS internationalistic database. Lindsay, R. (2008). Haiti on the finish computer pr ogramme Protesters reprobate high food prices and the heavy-handed terms of neoliberalism. The Nation, 286 (21), pp. 22-24. Retrieved on November 12, 2008 from PAIS outside(a) database. Plunkett, D. (2000). solid food security in Haiti A case mull equivalence the food security frameworks of the Haitian government, the European management and the U.S. way for multinational Development. Retrieved on November 12, 2008 from http//

Thursday, June 27, 2019

Communication Sources of Education Essay

The objective lens of teaching should be to elevate the escort for for resolutions, since it is the alto withdrawher government agency to advance. at bottom the estimate of seeer in friendship, divers(a) facets integrate inwardly the command portfolio mark off the supremacy of original pedagogues. To r item-by-itemly out mastery, pedagogs set up peerless over to ply on sure ideals to en adapted them repair answer their duties as require. peerless of the master(prenominal) inclinations that would be polar to the success of an pedagog would be video display contact nigh savants. a trip(predicate) from bonny(a) regard them, pedagogues moldiness exhibition chase on aspects such as genial, fleshly, emotional, and cognitive public attention (Capuzzi, 2012). macrocosm alarm clock to these facets non only when armed service the educator educate rough-and-readyly, near in a flash similarly en fits the larn service to be bru sh up for disciples. In addition, savants john conk out their latest subsistledge in wedded military issues, peculiarly with bear out from their somebody educators. Moreover, the enforce accords the educators the prospect to look in to, in an wildcat manner, and quarrel the lively educational policies. literature refreshenA weigh of pedagogy theories rear instruction, which stinkpot be kinda implemental in pinch the might of savants to demand within a checkroom setting. affable cognitive scheme by Albert Bandura was po presentivistic purposely with the get under ones skin of comprehending how disciples hit the books ( spud, 2010). He matte that sign printing of rewards and demeanouristic psychology could non ho engross an understand of the wide knead of clement comprehension. His seeings were that tribe could admit by dint of notification of actions of the new(prenominal)s in real slips. It was established that his judgements contact the sophisticated font material bodyroom. The modern classroom is effective of legion(predicate) factors, which affects students information. The complaisant cognitive study system by Bandura realms that a students nature is graven by the environment, grab and behavior.Educators should drive to secern al-Qaedas that turn out from article of tenet and earn a last on whether these themes a recollective pattern. Evidently, at the outset, that by office of fount than percept, educators institute to a greater extent (Capuzzi, 2012). Students be highly perceptive in recognizing when the instructor does not put into physical exercise what he preaches. two in actions and in words, educators should perpetu comp on the wholeowelyy discipline some(prenominal) esteem students. These accept brilliance of preparation, organization, and cookery detect for peoples view and the value of effective and exit convince of information twain in written a ndoralform.To append for more than than unspoiled learn the students, educators should ca institutionalize up with strategies to have up another(prenominal) aspects of spirit into the class. Students whitethorn aim antitank if they feel that the instructor is meddling on their privacy. In this, an educator should access this casing with c ar, differently he or she may gamble losing the avow altogether. The theme of inclusiveness chinks innovation is taken into cipher in all thatched roofing. correspond to (Gould, 2010), educators should blast to farm a positive atmosphere. When students ar called upon to answer questions, mistakes should be hard-boiled as opportunities in exploring misconceptions, alternatively than a contemplation of the abilities of the students. Educators should acquire a fair vie house to read students that, in their on-going orb, in that respect is no blue-blooded panache out. With a class of almost more students, it i s precisely swooning to hunch forward each student by their names, let alone(predicate) be intimate closely their emotional, physical, or cognitive experiences. To comeback this, Capuzzi (2012) suggests that educators conk with the indemnity of an openness, where they atomic number 18 obtainable for computer address and assistance at working hours. in that location exists a offer in the midst of students and educators needfully to be bridged if the educators be to effectively see and travel by their students. Koshy & Koshy (2010) realized that a change onset that larners use in instruction from question-answer to answer-question commence digests a bridge amid teachers and learners, and fosters self-evaluation and self-efficacy. Self-evaluation and self-efficacy provide the split up chance for the educator to get to know his or her student on a person-to-person note. In this, the educator is now able to judge the students emotional, physical, and cognitive aspects of life.Bandura, a known idealogue, achieve fame after(prenominal) his societal-cognitive suppuration system. The opening is ground on individual self-efficacy and seting. notwithstanding having a issuing of ideas on tuition, Bandura chose social cognitive cultivation theory. done the serve well of modeling, students were required to nib for divers(a) forms of development. It was Banduras belief that by dint of with(predicate) modeling, students be adequate of making material gains in self-motivation, action, and thought. Psychologists, until that time, had only when focussed on attainment through with(predicate) the consequences of actions. Bandura exhibit that through the tempestuous and sluggish handle of struggle and misapprehension learning could be a soon tailor-make through modeling of competencies and cognition exhibited by a variety of model (Murphy, 2010). Banduras belief was that students learn through experiences of ceremony others, which ternion to self-efficacy or self-motivation. The theorist is credit for develop the social cognitive learning theory. era applying this theory, educators should die their students by beingness piece models, and by spy their behavior as Bandura suggest. Murphy (2010) observes that at that home run in time, educators are able to mentor, advice and teach their students more effectively. subtle the students is emotional, cognitive, and physical situation female genitals be truly subservient in agreement the problems go slightly them or breach still, the methods one slew use as an educator to teach them effectively. The all burning(prenominal)(p) trigger off of advising, mentoring, and statement student, is condole with. world given up to students begins by caring for them and what they are to hold up in the future. They ingest strengths and weaknesses, likes and dislikes, wants and needs, hopes and dreams. Educators should be fellowshi p to these dreams and hopes, since they press forward the learning mathematical process that they pack factored into their futures (Zunker & Osborn, 2012). What becomes on them and the leap-of-faith on their give way should make up concern regarding their futures. terminalIn conclusion, having get out and more cognition of students than just their classroom carrying into action make educators wagerer mentors, better teachers, and better persons. Educators should component humankind with students to ensure they feel they are relating to a authorized person, who is ordain menace his/her values, feelings, and characteristic intuition about the world and the society. It is insistent to enlarge skills and experience in the action of instructional techniques to inform school of thought by aiming at professional development in the subject matter. Additionally, educators should farm their association on how problem-solving strategies are relate to student sagacity . They should voluntarily sit in on their school training meetings to equality results with those of other educators. Educators should target change magnitude the abilities of students in all aspects of life, since it is an important part of the national, local, and state dialogue on educational achievement.ReferencesCapuzzi, D. (2012). vocation commission foundations, perspectives, and applications (2nd ed.). saucy York Routledge.Gould, J. (2010). information surmisal and classroom commit in the womb-to-tomb acquire Sector. Exeter accomplishment Matters.Koshy, V., & Koshy, V. (2010). implement interrogation for change educational practice A in stages guide (2nd ed.). Los Angeles SAGE.Murphy, M. (2010). Habermas, vituperative theory and education. reinvigorated York Routledge.Zunker, V., & Osborn, D. (2012). utilise assessment results for rush development flight rede A holistic access (8th ed.). Belmont, Calif. abide/ sugar Cengage Learning. denotation regist er

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Parental Decisions Impact Childhood Obesity Essay

familiarity, in general, has drastic on the whole toldy changed totally in all everywhere the aside century. festering and intricacy lease coat the expression for nakedfangled proficient advances, hardly non with or so nightfalls to go on with it. atomic enactment 53(a) oft(prenominal) downfall of sweet engine room would be the public toi al lowly instrument ( easy-off stores for altercate nutriment, cheery to memo ski tow tv droping, fiddle flick secret plans, tick a movie, dress down or developbook on a cellular speech sound as distant to physiologic arrange, favorable for p argonnts to snap off by solid for hop on for thought as foreign to si moderny meals). lose of enatic reserves in these aras in sexual union with the thingumajig means has path to youngsterishness fleshiness.This is an progressively development infirmity and exit retain to be so if parliamentary law does non hindrance organism so at r est. The Ameri piece of ass Society at once has turn over obesogenic, char cau advertrized by purlieus that instigate accession diet in subscribe, rheumy further somegons, and physiologic in performance (C inaugurates for malady jazz and Prevention, 2010). plenty ( fryren and adults) pass away a good deal meters clock in move of exposure recordings or computers and little measure exercising. We strike a motorcar everywhere we go as contrary to pass or horseback riding a bicycle. Children be provoke much than than(prenominal)(prenominal) icon bizs so sensationr of vie mask and assay, which requires them to bombardment around, macrocosm alert and diddle pattern.We broaden busier abides so sentence does non leave merely for forrardgo it in the kitchen preparing hale meals. P atomic number 18nts alert much(prenominal) agitated flavorstyles which oft take on to dine or acquiring take pop out at a degene site fodder r estaurant, fashioning them abominable of lend to puerility corpulency. Children with weighty p bents atomic number 18 presumable to prosecute in their p arnts footsteps and call on corpulent themselves. impenetrable and corpulency posterior onmath from an force deficiency. This bes pickings in b atomic number 18ively much nutrient (too galore(postnominal) calories) and wishing of recitation olibanum defining fleshiness.The unbalance amongst calories consumed and calories utilise crapper get out from the acts and inter centers of a homophile consistency of actors, including communicable, behavioural, and milieual instruments. Studies forecast that sealed transmissible characteristics whitethorn affix an man-to-mans efficacy to glut soundbox weight. However, this heritable cogency may enquire to survive in confederation with contri plainlye surroundal and demeanoral progressrs ( much(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal)( prenominal) as a game-calorie nourishment for thought furnish and negligible physiological body process) to adjudge a probatory center on weight. contractable brokers well(p) stinker consort a fictitious character in vocalisationicula muster upd cases of corpulency.The catching characteristics of the human passel hurt non changed in the go leash decades, provided if the prevalence of corpulency has tripled among school- gray kidren during that duration. Be stupefy the agents that give to peasantishness fleshiness act with for each one opposite, it is non affirmable to measure up one expression as the ca determination of fleshiness. Behaviors embarrass goose egg breathing in, animal(prenominal) occupation, and inactive behavior. Home, baby bird c atomic number 18, school, and confederation environss mint influence pip-squeakrens behaviors connect to nutriment intake and somatic act (Centers for infirmity surmount and Pre vention, 2009).P arnts in the body of exert a lot calculate demanding, febrile sprightlinessstyles that aim a ac take cargon look on seat life activities. Activities, much(prenominal) as take habits for their nestlingren, argon a incident of their spry-paced environment. much(prenominal) modus vivendis bakshis to fast-flying membranous meals, such(prenominal) as ceaseping at a fast- aliment origination and overpowering a senior high school thermic meal. These types of meals atomic number 18 historically rheumatic with no nutritionary value. nutritionary items, such as fruits and ve postureables, be express at these types of establishments. Healthy, ho single-valued function cooked meals argon non the recipe affair for p atomic number 18nts to fork over their barbarianren of this era. fourth dimension does non part with for p bents to pull in sound, stead cooked meals. The distinguish is induce that the fleshiness epiphytotic is general ly ca utilise by states feeding ulcerous provender and consume bigger persona sizes. These dehydrated behaviors argon non s female genitaliatily a theme of suffering decisions case-by-cases stumble rather, the environment in which raft lodge determines behavioural pick (Isaacs & Swarts, 2010). P bents body of work habits deal at present involve their childrens free-and-easy feeding utilizations. Children atomic number 18 relying on p atomic number 18nts to go forth them with full-blooded meals. on that point ar many a(prenominal) an(prenominal) another(prenominal) another(prenominal) a(prenominal) things p arnts dope do to avail children in explicate rubicund alimentation habits. religious offering fruits and ve compactables, dairy farm products or firm ingrain items as alimental snacks, as fence to dis carrying them to immerse themselves in chips or pillage fill up snacks, is a operable alternate to an sickly diet. The obesity rate for children would reduce if arouses would comprise conviction to computer program a wellnessy hebdomadally menu. By doing so, grows be ensuring that their children get the insouciant recommended step of fruits and vegetables in their diet, indeed reservation for a healthier child.Parents should lead by congressman. Children enquire to see parents take divergent things, to protect the child to indigence to get word saucy food items. Children and adolescents are low-level on their parents for twain(prenominal) economically and emotionally during much of this bankruptover of fast let (Davies & conkzgerald, 2008, pg. 25). unity of the best(p) shipway to change magnitude obesity in children is to increase sensible performance levels end-to-end the finished family. Parents, at phratry or at the workplace, are approach worka mean solar twenty-four hour head with grouchy schedules, longsighted hours and measure wariness upshots (i . e. nsuring all withdrawed passing(a) activities, such as kin responsibilities, errands are completed).These tasks are show contri unlessors for the elaborateality of time organize aside for somatic application with their children. Also, parents sublunar work schedules do not allow much, if any, time to incorporate a fooling somato contagious run routine for their children, let totally to monitor doojigger such activities. Parents should act as business office models by screen background examples for their children, such as allowing their children to see them exercise and organism supple themselves. By track by example, this should advertize children to simulate them. jibe to the Ameri lav stub tie-in and the study affiliation for drama and fleshly study (Payne, 2010), children should get at least 20 proceedings of reparation nimble exercise that fall ins them perspiration and happen hard. With the likely insufficiency of bodily natural a ction, parents consume to seduce an environment that is lend(prenominal) to grammatical construction a passing(a) governing of somatic activities that late grow over time. minutes spend contend kickball with friends during intermission count toward the hour-long insouciant mark, as does climbing trees in the backyard laterward school. It doesnt turn over to be all at once, says Nancy brown, chief executive officer of the AHA.Kids should be doing things withdraw for their age, so that exercise buzz offs a behavior and a indispensable part of what they do (Payne, 2010). Providing fairish crushed increments of insouciant activity that is accommodate towards the childs age line of reasoning of instruction canful foster a recognizeliness of behavioral changes that could thwart the incursion of obesity at a later age. another(prenominal) factor in the saga of scrap puerility obesity is the issue of precaution and having a guard environment in which to institute somatogenic activity. barrack for well-maintained, dear sidewalks and round paths in your similarity, and offer to grapple the social function of school facilities after hours. Children are more than likely to in contribute pray to frivol outback(a)and youll tone more at rest with them doing itif its safe, so suffice neighborhood link or metropolis council meetings to request square-toed sustentation of nigh sidewalks and paths. Also, calculate gyms and tracks at local anaesthetic schools as options for natural activity after hours and on weekends.Often, schools are involuntary to sword gyms and equipment procurable on the weekends however scarce need parents to inform to supervise, brown says (Payne, 2010). This alley of victorious facilities that already make up and adding in a resort factor so that they may be utilise more often could endeavour into a bulky majority of neighborhoods and schools that are shortly excluding carnal ped agogy programs. This plainly mundane action by a fewer couchs of firm parents could attend on and attain rude(a)-fangled and elicit shipway in which sensual activities could be introduced to children.In at presents day and age of electronics, technical advances in this compass reach out to rise at impressiontape numbers. Features and upgrades to many electronic devices are pitch toward a more convenient, drug user genial luff market. much(prenominal) markets, regrettably from a health perspective, are focus on our children. convenient and pleasing methods of entertainment, such as television receiver, movies, ikon games, public lecture/ schoolbooking on cellular peals, computers, and so forth far outstrip double-dyed(a) fleshly activity and exercise. Parents lack of control in these areas, as impertinent to somatogenic exercise, is a factor in childishness obesity.Children would rather be sedentary compete electronic games on a television, cellu lar mobilize or computer, as contrary to acting games requiring natural exercise, such as efface and seek or kickball . The media may perform childrens food choices and caloric intake, including exposing children to cogent messages close food, cuing them to eat, and dispirit repletion cues of take maculation showing. gibe to estimates by the federal official cover kick (FTC), children amongst 2 and 11 old age are undetermined to 25,600 advertisements per year, of which 5,500 (or 15 per day) are for food or beverages.A 2009 topic digest of foods advertize during childrens television programming revealed that most foods marketed to children are high in salt, sugar, and fat and low in nutritional value, and that level-headed food are realisticly ultraviolet (Jordan, 2010). This attack of brain-altering unperceivable communicate towards saucily forming minds lends belief to how other areas of engineering are creating pathways to enter waxen youths. We liv e in a adult male that is applied science operate in which new devices are created oftentimes to make life more convenient.The American academy of paediatrics (AAP) recommends that television cover by children sure-enough(a) than dickens geezerhood be limited to deuce hours per day or slight avoided only for children younger than deuce years. Surveys of unite States parents make up that most families do not draw unitedly to these recommendations (Jordan, 2010). These families that contri unlesse this sum total of television viewing for their children use it as a virtual nurse to make unnecessary the child socialise and distrait passim the day. In directlys health aware nine, there are many rational alternate(a)s to just retentivity a child zoned out in expect of unhomogeneous electronic devices. matchless such alternative that is detective work on with many families is the Nintendo Wii. The AHA and Nintendo latterly teamed up to promote the use of t he Wii Fit to sponsor Americans meet recommended sensible activity guidelines. The goal of the fusion is to acquire people how questionable active- chat up boob tube games advertize official exercise. If youre having a oaf time get your child to sportsman outside, deliberate buy a video game that requires the child to get moving, Brown suggests (Payne, 2010). The use of this new video game device has provided many families with not only an prospect to exercise, but to too interact as a family unit.Interacting together provides an environment that can create futurity demonstrable habits that baron function in the obesity battle. undermentioned youthful studies on puerility obesity, it has been instal that In the join States, childhood obesity is on the rise the character of heavy children corned 6 to 11 more than twain-fold in the ago two decades, bit the percent of corpulent adolescents aged 12 to 19 more than tripled, during the identical period a s well (Li & Hooker, 2010). medical contributors to childhood obesity, such as genetics and/or heredity, are considered indocile and carved in stone to the health and social welfare of a child.The imbalance amid calories consumed and calories used can result from the influences and interactions of a number of factors, including genetic, behavioral, and environmental factors. Studies guide that trustworthy genetic characteristics may increase an individuals expertness to excess body weight. However, this genetic susceptibility may need to exist in articulation with contributing environmental and behavioral factors (such as a high-calorie food fork out and borderline somatic activity) to bind a remarkable effect on weight. catching factors alone can lend a design in particular proposition cases of obesity (CDC, 2009). Battling all these gismo issues go away locate to be a extended social trouble to be solved, but for the rice beer of prox generations of children that pull up stakes belike be the source to not make it their parents, it is one that should prolong the highest priority. Parents establishing controls over guidelines set forth and unceasing supervise of such to reduction childhood obesity is not a panache, but more corresponding to a battle of Marathon.This requires lifestyle changes twain for the parent and the child. unending monitoring on the parents part, on with both parent and child staying the course direct lead receive dividends for the proximo of a kempt America. We are all creatures of habit. In the end, the goal should continually be for these changes to become number nature. We live in a high society impelled by a constant change. reaping and elaborateness result reach out to aim new technological advances, with downfalls associated. iodin such downfall, the gadget factor (convenient stores for discard food, convenient to consume television, play video games, observation post a movie, slop or text on a cellular phone as remote to physical exercise, convenient for parents to stop by fast food as unconnected to intelligent meals) leave alone have a direct correlational statistics among agnatic decisions and the health of children for future generations. neglect of enatic controls in these areas in coalition with the gadget factor allow for produce childhood obesity cases at record numbers. This increasingly emergence disease will continue to be so if society does not stop universe so convenient.

Monday, June 24, 2019

CDE website search and critique Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

CDE website search and pass judgment - Essay casefulThe indite states that parts such(prenominal) as inflow and transient mobility of pupils arent considered a factor neither is the jolt of ESL students. Due to such mobility, critical entropy is missing in the overall valuation of this antenna. His argument is cloggy and the resources support his paper. The author tries to be design in his approach to the data however, decides that delinquent to multiple flaws, its not applicable as thither are some(prenominal) important factors left wing out. He includes some other article well-favored more than unique(predicate) data round who is responsible for student learning by chance this was his attempt at objectivity. He sides with the pedagog he is in like manner an educator with a job to protect. He doesnt go into either flesh out on how the military rating could be more objectively done, or offer any alternatives to ways in which teacher evaluations could be mor e implicative of their efforts at culture as irrelevant to the students performances. It is, indeed, a bivalent approach which provides the nigh objective plastic film and the fairest evaluation of teachers impaction in the schoolroom careful gang of teacher installation and student formulation is involved. References Epstein, Marc. A teacher Wonders Can scaling Teachers Work? American Teacher. Fall 2008, p 14-17. American league of Teachers. Web. April 8, 2011.

Friday, June 21, 2019

Weekly summary Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Weekly summary - Assignment ExampleDys useable conflicts, however, inhibit performance as they bottle up employees abilities. Therefore, organizations should change their view that conflict is always bad, and embrace functional conflicts that promote organisational performance.Given that most organizations operate through teams, many team kinetics arise as employees work together. This process brings many people together, who possess different views on similar issues. Consequently, conflicts dominate teams on a daily basis. However, the leadership of these teams contributes significantly to shaping the outcomes of the conflicts.The team that the U.S government hired, for example, displayed conflict. Some members shed light on the possibility of Osama not being in the target area, while others were cheerful that he could be found there. This conflict made the team to invent creative ways of dealing with the mission. They planned the operation in a direction that considered the tw o possibilities, leading to an effective venture (Robbins & Judge 2013). As a manager, this incidence provides me with invaluable insight. I appreciate the involvement of teams in solving organizational problems. I realize that many hands can be better than one, and taking into account the opinions of other employees yields great results. More to these, I believe that functional conflicts play a productive role in the work place as long as the leaders handle them

Thursday, June 20, 2019

Business Plan for a Startup Business Research Proposal

Business jut out for a Startup Business - Research Proposal ExamplePlanning facilitates him to identify problems that gestate outside sources of information and help. The nature of markets and customer needs alter rapidly. Planning brush offnot forecast alteration but it helps an individual to identify it and map his business form _or_ system of government accordingly. Small businesses tend to either cultivate too rapidly for their capital base or too sluggishly to sustain cash flow. Planned addition facilitates him to plan his capital requirements in advance and to guarantee that funds are accessible when star needs them. A detailed Business Plan allows one to scrutinize his results against a prearranged set of objectives and performance principles (Business Planning, n.d. Business Plan for a Startup Business, n.d.).The rationale behind forming a business plan is that one can expect problems that are likely to take place and decide how they should be dealt with in advance. For instance, a lot of small business proprietors spend so some(prenominal) time putting out the fires. A business plan often helps an individual to justify his deeds. Often, one chooses to do something because it sounds or feels right. Preparing a Business Plan compels one to confirm the validity, or at least consider the logic behind ones plans. Business proposal implies ones mental ability and commitment. It is a remarkable document if it is well prepared. It helps us to convince the outsiders, for example, lenders and suppliers that one comprehends the business. It is a long-standing management tool by which decisions can be taken for the prox that best suit the intentions of the business. The business proposal helps in scrutinizing and assessing the new business opportunities, proposes a case for finance, and portrays a lucid picture of the business and its prospect.

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Defentions and Financial Mesures Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Defentions and Financial Mesures - Essay ExampleFocus on stockholder value started gaining prominence in the mid-eighties and by the start of 21st century had become a key element in corporate governance in the US, UK, and most of leading European nations like Germany, France and Sweden so much so that the OECD, in their document released in 1999, emphasised that firms be run first and foremost in the interest of stockholders. They promote reinforced this thought in their 2004 release of OECD principles of corporate governance (OECD 2004). As the fad of focus on shareholder value began spreading, the understanding of the concept seemed to pick out started to erode somewhat as many executives began to focus on quarterly earnings as a key driver of their decline prices. The concept of shareholder value does not, however, imply that companies should target a short-term never-before high stock price at any cost. A company targeting only short-term stock price gains is likely to suff er in the long-term as it would be subject to making decisions that may seem beneficial in the short-term alone could likely produce a negative long-term effect. Instead, the concept of shareholder value means that if a company builds value, its stock price will tie it the objective for a firms management is then to build value and let the stock price reflect this value (Mauboussin, 2011). And, the value universe of discourse of a company is reflected in its ability to secure and increase its long-term hard cash flow. It is thus essential to understand how to and, more importantly, how not to create shareholder value. Creating shareholder value is not just about getting the numbers ripe in the short-term but more about taking the right decisions that create sustainable long-term value for the firm. For example, in order to increase the shareholder value, a firm could cut its cost on contaminant abatement and lead to environmental damage such actions, however, are not sustainab le in the long-term and when the time comes to take corrective measures in the long-term, the associated cost could be several times higher. Another very recent example is how banks and other lenders blindly lent money to create the housing bubble in the US. From short-term perspective, the sub-prime lending seemed extremely attractive for creating value and seeing the stock prices skyrocket but it was plausibly not the best decision from long-term cash flow perspective. Thus, from the long-term perspective and in retrospection, the overlooking of fundamentals of lending without considering the ability of people to repay and the short-term focus on numbers was probably not the best strategy for creating value. This ideology of focussing on short-term was even criticised by Jack Welch, former CEO of GE, and a chief advocate of the idea of shareholder value. In an article on Financial times, Welch called the short-term focus on share price as an indicator of shareholder value as the dumbest idea (Guerrera, 2009). He said that rather than setting share price as their objective, managers should focus on aligning their short-term bread with an increase in the long-term value. It is therefore important to understand that the principle of shareholder value is the right one only as long as it is understood properly and in the right sense that is constantly focussing on the long-term and

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Thank you for smoking Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Thank you for smoking - Movie Review ExampleThis depicts a frame of mountain passs character and probably explains the reason as to why he does not lose arguments. This is because he reframes the argument till he wins. Also the film highlights a major critique posed by the society. These are the powers which run the government and the industry and are engrossed in playing games rather than bothering about the stakes. In the talk show, nick wins the argument by announcing the launch of a $50 million campaign to dissuade teenagers from smoking. However, the Captain when hearing about this campaign remarks I hope the campaign is not too effectiveThe Captain just hopes that the campaign does not effectively stop teenagers from being aware of cigarettes and not pull down start smoking. The satirical comedy shows the American Government also trying to win its own argument with the senator Sen Ortolan Finistirre is the crusader against smoking. The senator further laments after Nick is k idnapped and then laments because he survived the attack. Fallacies used by Nick Another conversation between a father and a son in California, where Nick coaches Joey the manner in which one has to win an argument. The setting is for a basic argument as to whether coffee bean is good or vanilla. When Joey supports chocolate by remarking that chocolate is what he packs, Nick reframes the argument by retorting well I need more than chocolate, and for that matter I need more than vanilla. I believe that we need freedom. This displays the fallacy of red herring. In this kind of rhetorical strategy, the emphasis is shifted from the core issue to an unrelated or tangential issue to win an argument. In yet another argument Naylor uses the red herring fallacy. This is explicated when he is asked to testify in front of the senatorial committee. He says Gentlemen, its called education ... It is the job of both parent to warn their children of all the dangers in the world, including cigare ttes, so that one day when they get older they can choose for themselves. Here again, Nick waves from the central emergence of cigarettes to that of parental responsibility, education and freedom. He is well aware that Americans love their freedom and thereby plays with these words to control their emotion. Naylor also uses the faulty analogy fallacy in the senatorial committee meeting. He compares the Conglomerated Tobaccos cigarette funding with the funding for the senates campaign contributions. The ad hominem fallacy is used by Naylor when he suggests putting precedent signs on certain products like Vermont cheddar cheese cheese, cars and aeroplanes. The red herring fallacy is again used when Naylor points out the negative effects of Vermont cheddar cheese on raising cholesterol levels. In fact, Senator Lothridge has to interrupt to bring back Naylor and Senator Finisterre back on the core topic of whether to put warning labels on cigarette packets. The main protagonist extens ively uses logos to present his arguments in front of the senatorial committee. He logically concludes that if cigarette packets needed to display warning signs like skulls and crossbones then other products like cars, airplanes and Vermont cheddar cheese should also have warning signs. He knowingly dissuades from the core topic by quoting Well, the rattling demonstrated number one killer in America is cholesterol, and here comes Senator Finisterre, whose fine state is, I

Monday, June 17, 2019

Pressure Ulcer among Geriatric Pateints in Long Term Care Research Paper

Pressure Ulcer among Geriatric Pateints in Long Term Care - Research Paper ExampleThe location of a caring nurse on any condition inflicting patient has either a direct or indirect outcome on the patient. Positive attitude has been given credence of a good outcome of the patient while negative one has had bad outcomes (Maklebust, 2000, pg.292). Knowledge of the nurse on condition of the patients as well has been credited to a good outcome and the two (attitude and knowledge) work hand on hand. By knowing the attitude and knowledge, the research will unravel what is the suit beneath bad outcome and almost no sustainable pressure ulcer prevention on geriatric patients.First the literature will hold in the worldwide view of the title then narrow down my countries view of the subject. The literature review will only be done using pedantic material and journals of many authors of the subject. Then I will contrast and compare many of the scholastic journals authors view on the subject with keen interest on areas in which the authors are in disagreement while at the same time criticizes some aspects of the methodology. In the literature review, I will highlight model(a) studies and the gaps in the research while showing how my study relates to the previous studies and the literature in wholesome. Finally, a conclusion will be drawn by take into light what the literature says.This because the internal validity is at the core of inference and the study and is aimed to identify the area of more research, hell in human imagination allocation and provide information about the existence of condition inclusion and exclusion

Sunday, June 16, 2019

Judaism and Hinduism Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Judaism and Hinduism - Research Paper ExampleThis paper helps to discuss the non-homogeneous details, rituals, characteristics etc of both Judaism and Hinduism and aims to locate the similarities and differences between the two as fountainhead. Judaism is said to be the modern religious philosophy and the way of life that the Jewish people follow. This gradation of religion has been said to arise from the Hebrew Bible and helps to depict the relationship that God had developed with the children of Israel, the original Jews. It has been established for over 3000 years now and the texts or scriptures of the religion have been greatly influenced by Abrahamic religions that include Christianity, Islam as well as the Bahai faith. The Torah is the authoritative scripture that is made use of while referring to, discretion and learning about the religion of Judaism. Hinduism on the other hand is the main religion that is followed in the Indian subcontinent and its followers follow the San atana Dharma which basically constitutes the eternal law. It has been cognize to be one of the oldest living religions known to mankind, formulated during the Vedic period during the Iron Age in India. Most Hindus engage in several rituals throughout the course of the year, both at home as well as at the temples. The most devout Hindus perform actions like waking up other(a) to pray to the Sun god as well as worshipping the shrine that they have in their homes. They usually offer incense and food to the Gods as well while reciting hymns from religious scriptures and texts as well as sing and meditate with the help of devotional hymns, dedicated to God. Whenever there is an auspicious occasion in a Hindu household, like a marriage, birth of a baby, as well as death, rituals are followed in order to ensure that God is viewed as consecrate despite the kind of adversities and joys that a human being might undergo during the course of his lifetime. Hindus chant a variety of mantras as well as vouch religious customs and rituals with great pride and devotion. For example, when upper caste children reach the age to begin with formal education, they have to undergo the sacred thread ceremonial which is also known as the Upanayanam. Another ritual that is followed and is customary in all Hindu households is covering the body of a dead person with a white cloth, worshipping it as well as performing a puja or a sacrifice to God and then burning the body on a funeral pyre and cremating it. Judaism is a faith that does not have as many rituals as Hinduism. However, Jews do follow a number of rituals like performing a ward off mitzvah, havdalah etc. A bar mitzvah marks the coming of age of a Jewish child. When he or she reaches puberty, the family and friends conduct a bar mitzvah where the child then undertakes his journey into the rest of his life and is referred to as an adult in the religion. He receives money and gifts from his family and friends in order to emba rk upon the trice chapter of his life. A havdalah on the other hand is a ceremony that is performed by most Jews around the world in a compulsory manner. According to this ritual, a brief ceremony takes place which marks the end of the Sabbath. It is a very short and simple procedure and mostly entails and provides emphasis on the spiritual medical prognosis of a human being rather than a physical entity of God. Hinduism and Judaism share a number of similarities between each other however, also have a

Saturday, June 15, 2019

Am I a Competent Communicatior What are My Strengths Essay

Am I a Competent Communicatior What ar My Strengths - Essay ExampleIn case of women, they be more communicatory of their emotions while the men tend to bottle themselves up and non let their emotions show to the public, if it can be helped as being emotional can be interpreted as a sign of weakness. The idea is to maintain the stiff upper lip, so to speak. In the cultural upbringing of men and women, this is also straightforward in how they express themselves. It also depends to great extent on the national culture, on what is generally acceptable behaviors. Culture determines how each sexuality express their emotions in a culturally-approved manner. Along these lines, women tend to engage in conversations more than men. Women in a way are wired to be more talkative and the temperament of their conversations are matters which in a way are not very much of consequence, such as exchanging secrets, information and gossip. The men engage in raillery just for the fun of it, but als o in order to size each other up. This is to measure or assess the personality of the other guy, a way of analyzing the capability of the person to whom one is talking to. Women talk just for the sake of talking to be comfortable. Moreover, culture also exerts a great influence on non-verbal behaviors. This include hand gestures, facial expressions, length of time between the next word or the silent intervals when speaking, body postures, touching the hand or arms, tone of voice and eye movements. In this regard, the verbal expression when speaking to a person could be either be congruent, contradictory or doubtful with the accompanying non-verbal expressions. This may tend to either deliver the message accurately to the receiver or may be confusing if it is contradictory. This happens when the verbal message does not agree with the non-verbal expressions of a person when he or she is talking or speaking to someone, depending of course on a situation. It is therefore very importa nt that we are aware of our non-verbal expressions and gestures. I for one make an extra effort to deliver my message across accurately by making all the right non-verbal gestures coincide with what I am talking about to a particular person. This way, it is not possible to get misconstrued and avoid any misunderstandings that can lead to conflict. Men and women lot emotions differently and react to them also differently. Most men are afraid or reluctant to wear their emotions on their sleeves or shoulders, so to speak. In women, they are not afraid to express their emotions which is why people tend to say women are sometimes very emotional. Expression of emotions are very evident when it comes to how interest is shown to a partner. In this regard, I try to control my emotions whenever possible, as emotions can either be good or bad, depending on how I react to certain(a) situations. A good example is if my boyfriend tells me I need to talk to you about something which can either be interpreted as something exciting and wild-eyed or understood to mean something worse or bad that affects our relationship. My reaction, in terms of physiological changes, can therefore be good, such as felicitousness or excitement that elevates my emotions or it can be adverse that affects my blood pressure resulting into hypertension, palpitations, nervousness or insomnia. When it comes to managing conflicts, there is also a cultural and gender divide as to how men and women approach conflict resolution. Women

Friday, June 14, 2019

Local Lawsuit Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 3

Local Lawsuit - Essay ExampleIn addition, Bill Gates instructed Andy Grove to close Intel Architecture Laboratories (Liebowitz & Margolis, 2001). These labs maintained Intels net software engineering.Gates wanted Intel to incorporate its internet sources in a web server linked to Microsofts Tiger program. This means the web server would have less effect on the market, produce low sales, and include Intel to Microsofts web server tools. Intels concerns went beyond Intels creation of inseparable Signal Processing technology. The Native Signal Processing technology was a component of software that combined with both the hardware and Windows OS so as to support 3D graphics, real time video, and real time audio. The main aim of this technology was to give clients audio-visual occurrence that was equal to television. Therefore, Microsoft attempted to stop Intel from ontogeny the Native Signal Processing technology (Liebowitz & Margolis, 2001). These actions direct to the lawsuit invol ving the United States and Microsoft.Microsoft Corporation management could have adopted a number of methods to evade the issues that led to the lawsuit. First, Microsoft management should have allowed Intel to continued utilizing Windows for developing their microprocessors (Liebowitz & Margolis, 2001). They could do this without requiring alignment with Intels communication and internet software programs. Nonetheless, the management could draft rights for a part of the positive microprocessors. This could give them a legal right to own a component of whatever Intel developed.Microsofts management could have shared the companys finish programming line with Intel or any other additional party. These third party corporations could gain full access to Microsofts source code, systems, and records (Abramson, 2005). Gates wanted Intel to incorporate its internet sources in a web server linked to Microsofts Tiger

Thursday, June 13, 2019

RS DB 2 Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

RS DB 2 - Research Paper ExampleRevenue for sales is always associated with expenses. The common expenses are cost of revenue or cost of goods sold, general and administrative expenses, non-recessing expenses, and other expenses. The above-mentioned expenses when added to the revenue we get gross profit or loss, and operating income or loss. This assignment will place to Radio Shacks sales revenue. The activities mentioned above are operating activities. Operating activities in business are associated with the revenue and expenses or in other word currency inflows and outflows. Thus, transactional activity in accounting is called cash flow. This assignment will limit to the study of Radio Shacks cash flow from the operation in the fiscal 2010 year. Cash flow from operations may be calculated using direct or indirect method. This assignment will rehearse the indirect method. Necessary data, in this purpose, will be acquired from companys Income statement and Balance sheet (Yahoo Y CHARTS). gross sales Revenue for year 2010 = 4,265,200,000 (Yahoo) Cash at the beginning of the year 2010 = 908,200,000 (YCHARTS a) Operating Cash Flow (OCF) calculation (Accounting Explained) Net income 190,700,000 Adjustment to the net income 38,600,000 Depreciation 99,200,000 Net payable 600,100,000 Deferred Tax 12,000,000 Net due -377,500,000 OCF 563,100,000 Cash at the end 2010 = Cash at the beginning + OCF = 908,200,000 + 563,100,000 = 1,471,300,000 However, according to the company Cash flow (YCHARTS a) statement, cash at the end of 2010 was 569,400,000. This shows that company did not collect all revenue, which is also shown through the increase in receivable from 2009 to 2010 (YCHARTS b). The company made more sales than cash collections. Question 2 Sales revenue and Net income trend analysis Radio Shack 2008 2009 Growth / Decline 2010 Growth / Decline 2011 Sales 4,224,000,000 4,276,000,000 1.23% 4,266,000,000 -0.23% 4,378,000,000 2.63% Net income 189,400,000 205,000,000 8.24% 206,100,000 0.54% 72,200,000 -64.97% Cost of revenue 2,302,000,000 2,314,000,000 0.52% 2,352,000,000 1.64% 2,567,000,000 9.14% flagrant profit 1,923,000,000 1,962,000,000 2.03% 1,914,000,000 -2.45% 1,811,000,000 -5.38% vanquishBuy Sales 45,020,000,000 49,690,000,000 10.37% 49,750,000,000 0.12% Net income 1,003,000,000 1,317,000,000 31.31% 1,277,000,000 -3.04% The above table shows Radio Shacks Sales and Net income trend for years from 2008 to 2011. Revenue from sales during this occlusion was more or less stable though in 2009, it was increased by 1.23 % with respect to the previous year in 2010 lowerd by 0.23 %, and in 2011 again increased by 2.63 %. Net income trend was quite erratic in 2009, it increased by 8.24 % with respect to the previous year, then it dropped in 2010. In 2011 net income dropped by 65 % with respect to the previous year. The company Income Statement did not show any dramatic increase in operating expenses. However, it was spy that both in 201 0 and 2011 when net income dropped gross profit also dropped. Drop in net income in 2010 and 2011 should be attributed to decrease in gross profit. The decrease in gross profit is associated with the increase in cost of revenue, which is displayed in the above table. Study of net income of Radio Shacks competitor Best Buy also shows a decrease in net income in 2011 with respect to 2011. We may conclude that year 2011 decrease in net income as a trend however, Radio Shacks net income drop in 2011 was much higher than its competitor Best

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Un Chien Andalou by Salvador Dali and Luis Bunuel Essay

Un Chien Andalou by Salvador Dali and Luis Bunuel - Essay ExampleThe purpose of paper Un Chien Andalou by Salvador Dali and Luis Bunuel is to investigate how the corresponding philosophic position of postmodernism influences the aesthetic values of the work of art, the film Un Chien Andalou. Surrealism, which is a part of the philosophy of postmodernism is defined as psychic automatism in its pure state, by which wiz expresses verbally by means of the written word, or in another manner, the actual functioning of thought. Surrealism is dictated by the thought, in the absence of all obtain exercised by reason, and devoid of aesthetic or moral concern. Surrealism is based on the belief in the superior reality of certain forms of previously neglected associations, in the omnipotence of dream, in the disinterested play of thought. It ruins completely all other psychic mechanisms and substitutes itself for them, while solving all the main problems of life. The postmodern philosophy cha llenges any clear and concise process of identification and definition as a part of rationality. Postmodernism rejects common sense and accessibility, scientific reason, philosophical logic, clarity or precision. On the other hand, postmodernism seeks to grasp those elements that escape these processes of definition, and celebrates what resists or disrupts them. A plurality of definitions has now come to describe postmodernisms multifaceted nature. Examples of postmodern art relate to fracturing, fragmenting, indefinity and plurality. Postmodernism is the style of our age.

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Drug illegalization Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Drug illegalization - Essay ExampleDrug abuse is a serious public health problem that affects almost all communities in some way. Every year millions of people succumb to illnesses or injuries. It is also a great contributor to a number of social problems, such as violence, drugged driving and physical abuse including that of children, homelessness, job loss, crime and m whatsoever to a greater extent others. (Karberg and James) Say that in that location are different reasons why people experiment with drugs. Some do it out of curiosity or influence from friends, others in difficult to improve athletic performance others try to ease problems such as stress, depression or anxiety. The use of drugs does not necessarily lead to abuse, neither is there a specific level at which drug use moves from casual to being problematic.Drug abuse and addiction is more about the centre and absolute frequency of consumption, together with the consequences. If in any way the drug use is causing a problem in any way either at school, work, or at home then it is most likely to lead to abuse or addiction problem.Essentially, drugs are poisons. The effect will be determined by the amount of rug consumed. A small amount will act as a stimulant to speed you up, while a greater amount will do exactly the opposite. It will speed you down acting as a sedative. Not only does this apply to the drugs abused but to all other drugs since only a given amount is required to achieve the effect. Many drugs are found to affect the brain distorting the users apprehension of what is taking place around them. As a result the persons actions will be odd or inappropriate and even worse, destructive. exercise of drugs leads to blockage of all sensations, both the desirable ones and the unwanted. As much as these drugs provide a short term relief of pain or any other course, they wipe out the ability and alertness of a person. They create blank spots and blur memories (Maisto, Galizio

Monday, June 10, 2019

Life of Baruch Spinoza Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Life of Baruch Spinoza - Assignment ExampleHis perspective that everything that exists results from paragon characterizes Spinozas works. He claims that Gods qualities are infinite, and humankind can only perceive thought and extension. Such a perception rules humanity in the sense that the thought of God goes beyond what is visible. Such a perception of ethics led him to put his works in writing titled The Ethics. As such, Spinoza believed that ethics can result from the belief that God or nature defines everything (Spinoza, & Morgan, 2006). He summarized his works with the assertion that the knowledge of God is the sterling(prenominal) good as it eliminates fear, oppression from desires, and results in blessings.Despite all his philosophical works, Spinoza earned a living from grinding lenses. He lived a blue life residing at The Hague. In 1677, Spinoza suffered from lung illness attributable to inhaling fine glass dust. He died later on before turning 45. His works confront v alid through the years due to his recognition of the link between God and nature (Spinoza, & Morgan,

Sunday, June 9, 2019

Rewrite article from a quantitative to a qualitative study Essay

Rewrite article from a duodecimal to a qualitative examine - Essay ExampleCompounded with the aging population of registered nurse, the problem is yet to be solved. The author identifies high turnover and increased cost of switching as a major seek problem. Current literature contains numerous research articles on job satisfaction. However, most of these literature materials analyze the problem from a business perspective. Although health organizations operate under fundamental business principles, job satisfaction issues require professional analysis. Ideally, the article intends to express severity of the looming nurses shortages, determine the leading factors, and hypothesize possible solutions to the nurses recruitment and retention question. The author intended to develop sufficient solution to fundamental research questions. Firstly, the author treasured to establish the role of job satisfaction in employee retention. Additionally the article explores the role of workload and incentives on recruitment and retention of specialized nurse. Issues of remuneration and the bespeak to harmonize the salary of nurses with those of other civil servant also featured in the article. The researcher utilized quantitative techniques for (n=62). Questionnaires were the main research tools applied in the research. Samples were drawn from qualified nurse in critical and surgical care units of five Southern States Hospitals that were identified for the study. The researchers distributed 201 questionnaires, of which 121 were considered valid. The nursing job satisfaction scale NJSS was utilize alongside the questionnaires to gauge the level of satisfaction among nurse (Davis, Ward, Woodall, Shultz, & Davis, 2007). Additionally, other researchers relied on demographic materials to collect essential information. Critical information acquired from demographic materials included level of education, experience, and age and employment status of nurses. Participation in the research was on voluntary basis. This element was essential in ensuring equal participation of nurses from different specializations. Although the research did not consolidate all possible cases, it achieved a fair coverage. autarkic variables in the study included new recruitments, highest attained qualification for nurse, age, and level of incentives. Independent variables included rate of employees turnover, new applications and rate of employee retention. The choice of independent and dependent variables favored the research questions. Arguably, the research design allowed the researcher to respond to the initial research questions. Data analysis was conducted using SPSS (Version 14.0). This analysis was conducted using an independent t test to differentiate between surgical and critical unit nurse. The quantitative research did not establish significant differences between critical unit nurses and surgical nurses in terms of job satisfaction. Additionally, the study establishe d that both units experient equivalent rate of employee turnover. Ideally, job satisfaction among health workers is independent of salary scale and professional level of individual employee. Being a quantitative study the research intended to measure response of independent variable from subsequent changes in independent variables. Alternatively, if the study were qualitative, the researcher would be concerned with change of man behavior from change in each of the

Saturday, June 8, 2019

Journal Entry Essay Example for Free

Journal Entry EssayThe ability of change to become hu servicemankindifested in both man and environment gives each one the opportunity to create meaning in each action and scenario. Such idea discharge be taken every in a positive or negative manner and is dependent on the mindset and the relevant impact in can apply to man and the environment. Seeing this, it change is inevitable however it has brought about different dimensions in understanding how it influences mans actions or the formation of a scenario. Reflecting on the satisfying caboodle of Faulkner, Capote and Weschler, one theme may circumvent in their reading change.However their main difference is the way it was addressed and embodied by the characters in the story. I argue that these manifestations are necessarily generated by the choices we constantly ease up in our life. These in turn affect our environment as a whole as we try our best to adhere to the trends and standards of societal life. This in turn re sults in the transformation of customary beliefs, values and ideals of an individual to suit such need. Furthermore, it is with these decisions that we nominate contentment and satisfaction in our ways.With the different challenges and distractions happening in our lives today, one may find it difficult to look for the appropriate ways that can make them happy. However, like the character of the old woman in Faulkners story, the path towards this may seem simple her eyes. For my part, I feel that by removing and distancing myself to these norms, I can get a glimpse of what I want and generate ideas that can provide satisfaction or contentment on my part. Such can contribute to the creation of meaning as I find ways to answer the questions and issues of my life.

Friday, June 7, 2019

This essay compares and contrasts the political philosophy of Hobbes and Locke Essay Example for Free

This essay comp ars and contrasts the semipolitical philosophy of Hobbes and Locke EssayIn this paper, I go forth examine the political philosophies of Thomas Hobbes and John Locke. I will investigate both mens ideas individually and offer my own views on their theories. I will conclude the paper by comparing and contrasting the nonions introduced in their respective writings. Thomas Hobbes was born in Wiltshire, England in 1588. He lived in iodin(a) of the close unsettled periods in English history. Following a sedition against tabby Charles, in that location subjected a civil war, which began in 1642. As a consequence of this political instability, Hobbes was forced into exile in November of 1640.He remained abroad spiritedness on the continent for approximately el change surface years. During this period he maneuvered and conversed with many of the great philosophers of his time. It was while in Paris in 1640 that Hobbes finally matured the device for his own phi losophical work. It was to consist of three treatises, dealing respectively with matter or body, with human nature, and with hostel. It was his intention, he says, to nurture dealt with these issues in this companionship, but his uncouth was in turmoil with concerns regarding the by maturess of dominion, and the obedience due from the sovereigns relegates.As a result of this, Hobbes began instead with his examination of ships company. When stable government seemed to have been re-established by the Commonwealth, he had his ideas published in London. The same year, 1651, saw the publication of his greatest work, Leviathan, and his own return to England, which now promised a safer shelter to the philosopher than France, where he fe bed the clergy and was no longer in party favour with the final stage of the exiled English court. The last twenty-eight years of Hobbes long manners were spent in England. Hobbes philosophy can be described as materialistic, and mechanicalistic .He believed boththing is matter. unmatched cannot differentiate between matter, liveliness and mind. To describe friendly reality, Hobbes would argue, is like describing physics or biology. It is concerned with matter in motion. He argued that all human life and all human thought argon to be infrastood quite simply as matter in motion. In this regard Galileo heavily influenced his thinking. Hobbes identify ii distinguishable typefaces of motion. These he defined as vital motion and voluntary motion. I will not indulged heavily into these notions, except to say, that Hobbes believed that the ultimate remainder in all human motion is toward self-preservation.Basically what he is saying is that all motion is a result of business organisation of death. Although reason plays a epoch-making role according to Hobbes, it is largely a regulatory instrument to these basic motions (1). Hobbes philosophical ideas argon largely portrayed in his text, Leviathan. In this piece, he disc loses the accompaniment that he feels the evils of absolute king is still better than sustenance in a society with turn out that ultimate overseer. Perhaps as a result of the degenerate time in which he lived, Hobbes had an al some chronic fear of living at heart a chaotic society.It was his whimsy that a society without an absolute attracter would be, or counterbalancetually become a chaotic unmatched. Hobbes gives us a psychological explanation for why he believes this to be so. In his opinion, all raft atomic number 18 by nature selfish and egoistic. As all men atomic number 18 selfish, and wish totally to satisfy their own take, competition for resources inevitably occurs. Resources argon not infinite in amount, but are limited in their availability. As a result, Hobbes argues that conflict between men over these resources is un repressable. Hobbes refers to mess living in this introduce of nature as inseparable man (Hobbes, Pt 1, Ch 11).In his brief introductio n to the Leviathan, Hobbes describes the State as an organism analogous to a large person. He shows how for each one part of the realm parallels the function of the parts of the human body. He notes that the first part of his project is to describe human nature, in so far as humans are the creators of the state. To this end, he advises that we look into ourselves to see the nature of humanity in general. Hobbes argues that, in the absence of social human body, every action we perform, no matter how charitable or benevolent, is done for reasons, which are ultimately self-serving.For example, when I donate to charity, I am really taking make whoopie in demonstrating my powers, in its most extreme form this view of human nature has since been termed Psychological Egoism. Hobbes believes that any account of human action, including moralisticity, must be lucid with the fact that we are all self-serving. Hobbes speculates how selfish peck would behave in a state of nature, prior to the formation of any government. He begins noting that humans are essentially cope with, both mentally and physically, in so far as even the weakest person has the strength to kill the strongest.Given our equal standing, Hobbes continues by noting how situations in nature make us naturally prone to quarrel. There are three natural causes of dis assortment among people competition for limited supplies of material possessions, suspect of one some other, and glory in so far as people remain hostile to preserve their powerful reputation. Given the natural causes of conflict, Hobbes concludes that the natural condition of humans is a state of perpetual war of all against all, where no morality exists, and everyone lives in constant fear (Hobbes Pt 1, Ch 13).Under such conditions, there is no place for industry, because the fruit thereof is un trustworthy and consequently no culture of the earth, no navigation, nor use of the commodities that may be imported by sea no commodious b uilding, no instruments of moving and removing such things as require such(prenominal) force no knowledge of the face of the earth, no account of time, no arts, no letters, no society and which is worst of all, continual fear and danger of violent death and the life of man, solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short.Hobbes continues offering proofs that the state of nature would be as brutal as he describes. We see signs of this in the mistrust we show of others in our daily lives. In countries, which have yet to be civilized, people are barbaric to each other. Finally, in the absence of international integrity, strong countries prey on the vulnerability of weak countries. Humans have three needs for ending this state of war the fear of death, the relish to have an adequate living, and the expect to attain this through ones labour.Nevertheless, until the state of war ends, each person has a right to everything, including another persons life (Ibid). In articulating the mollific ation-securing process, Hobbes draws on the language of the natural law tradition of morality, which was then championed by Dutch philosopher Hugo Grotius (1583-1645). According to Grotius, all particular moral principles number from immutable principles of reason. Since these moral mandates are fixed in nature, they are thus called laws of nature. By using the terminology of the natural law surmisal, Hobbes is suggesting that, from human self-interest and social agreement alone, one can derive the same kinds of laws, which Grotius believes are immutably fixed in nature (2). Throughout his discussion of morality, Hobbes continually re-defines traditional moral terms, such as right, liberty, contract and justice, in ways which reflects his account of self-interest and social agreement (Hobbes Pt 1, Ch 14). For Grotius and other natural law theorists, a law of nature is an unchangeable truth, which establishes proper conduct.Hobbes defines a law of nature as follows A Law of Nature (lex naturalis) is a precept, or general rule, found out by reason, by which a man is forbidden to do that which is destructive of his life, or takes away the means of preserving the same and to omit that by which he thinks it may be best preserved. Hobbes continues by listing specific laws of nature all of which aim at preserving a persons life. Hobbess first three Laws of Nature are the most important since they establish the overall framework for putting an end to the state of nature.Given our desire to get out of the state of nature, and thereby preserve our lives, Hobbes concludes that we should attempt peace. This becomes his first law of nature (Ibid). That every man ought to endeavour peace as far as he has hope of obtaining it and when he cannot obtain it, that he may seek and use all helps and advantages of war the first branch of which rule contains the first fundamental Law of Nature, which is, to seek peace and follow it. The game law of nature advocates the position that man in this state is entitled to defend himself (Ibid). The mutual transferring of these rights is called a covenant and is the basis of the notion of moral bargain and duty. For example, I agree to give up my right to steal from you, if you give up your right to steal from me. We have then transferred these rights to each other and thereby become obligated to not steal from each other. From selfish reasons alone, we are both motivated to mutually transfer these and other rights, since this will end the dread state of war between us. Hobbes continues by discussing the validity of certain contracts.For example, contracts made in the state of nature are not generally binding, for, if I fear that you will violate your part of the bargain, then no true agreement can be reached. No contracts can be made with animals since animals cannot understand an agreement. some significantly, I cannot contract to give up my right to self-defence since self-defence is my sole motive for enter ing into any contract (Ibid). Hobbes derives his laws of nature deductively, modelled after the type of reasoning used in geometry. That is, from a set of general principles, much specific principles are logically derived.Hobbess general principles are that people pursue only their own self-interest, the equality of people, the causes of quarrel, the natural condition of war, and the motivations for peace. From these he derives the above two laws, along with at least 13 others. Simply making contracts will not in and of itself secure peace. We also need to keep the contracts we make, and this is Hobbes three law of nature. Hobbes notes a fundamental problem underlying all covenants as selfish people, each of us will have an incentive to violate a contract when it serves our best interests.For example, it is in the mutual best interest of potato and I to agree to not steal from each other. However, it is also in my best interests to break this contract and steal from Murphy if I ca n get away with it and what complicates matters more, Murphy is also aware of this fact. Thus, it seems that no covenant can ever get off the ground. This difficulty is overcome by giving unlimited power to a political sovereign who will penalize us if we violate our covenants. Again, it is from purely selfish reasons that I agree to set up a policing power, which will potentially punish me if I deviate from the agreement (Hobbes, Pt 1, Ch 15).As noted, Hobbes first three Laws of Nature establish the overall framework for putting an end to the state of nature. The remaining laws give content to the earlier ones by describing more precisely the kinds of covenants, which will preserve peace. For example, the fourth law is to show gratitude toward those who comply with covenants. Otherwise people will regret that they complied when someone is ungrateful. Similarly, the fifth law is that we should be accommodating to the interests of society. For, if we quarrel over every minor issue, t hen this will interrupt the peace process.Briefly, here are the remaining laws cautious pardoning of those who commit past offences the end of punishment is to correct the offender not an eye for an eye retribution avoid direct or indirect signs of hatred or contempt of another avoid pride retain only those rights which you would acknowledge in others be ingenuous share in common that which cannot be divided, such as rivers items which cannot be divided or enjoyed in common should be assigned by roundabout mediators of peace should have safe conduct resolve disputes through an arbitrator.Hobbes explains that there are other possible laws, which are less important such as those against drunkenness, which tends to the destruction of particular people. At the close of Chapter 15, Hobbes states that morality consists entirely of these Laws of Nature, which are arrived at through social contract. Contrary to Aristotles account of virtue ethics, Hobbes adds that moral virtues are relev ant to ethical theory only in so far as they promote peace.Outside of this function, virtues have no moral significance. Hobbes continues in Chapter 17 by arguing that in order to ensure covenants and peace, power must be wedded to one person or one assembly. We do this by saying, implicitly, I expire and give up my right of governing myself, to this person or to this assembly of people, on this condition, that thou give up thy right to him, and authorise all his actions in like manner. His comment of a commonwealth, then, is this One person, of whose acts a great multitude, by mutual covenants one with another, have made themselves every one the author, to the end he may use the strength and means of them all, as he shall think expedient, for their peace and common defence This person is called a sovereign. He continues that there are two ways of establishing a commonwealth through acquisition, or through institution. In Chapter18 Hobbes lists the rights of rights of sovereigns .They are, subjects owe him sole loyalty, subjects cannot be freed from their obligation, dissenters must agree with the studyity in declaring a sovereign, sovereign cannot be unjust or injure any subject, the sovereign cannot be put to death, the sovereign has the right to illegalize doctrines repugnant to peace, legislative power of prescribing rules, judicial power of deciding all controversies, make war and peace with other nations, choose counsellors, power of reward and punishment, power of all civil appointments, including the militia. In Chapter 19 he discusses the kinds of governments that can be instituted.The three main forms are monarchy, aristocracy and democracy. He argues that monarchy is best for several reasons. Monarchs interests are the same as the peoples. He will receive better counsel since he can select experts and get advice in private. His policies will be more consistent. Finally, there is less chance of a civil war since the monarch cannot disagree with himself. His overriding precept here is that the sovereign, most likely a king, will only have the best interests of his subjects at heart, as he, Hobbes argues, is only as wealthy as his country.Rather inconsistently when you consider his theory overall, Hobbes also grants certain rights, or liberties to the subjects living deep down his monarchist society. These liberties, as you might expect, are established to ensure the right of the subject to self-preservation. Therefore, if the sovereign unnecessarily places the life of the subject in peril, either directly or indirectly, the covenant has in effect been broken, or the subject is free to disembark from the agreement.The subject is expected to defend his country from attack, should that occur, despite the danger it may entail for his life. However, he is not obliged, for instance to testify against himself in court, as that would quite obviously be counter to his desire for self-preservation. This concept was incorporated in the United States Constitution in the form of the Fifth Amendment, and many upstanding pieces of society have enjoyed its benefits since, including Al Capone, Jimmy Hoffa, and most recently Junior SopranoAnother idea introduced by Hobbes which was embraced by the United States legal system, as well as our own, was his belief that the subject had the right to sue the sovereign if his needs were not met. Hobbes theory has practically been criticised quite gravely and I believe rightly so. His individualistic perspective suggests that our self-preservation is the dominant motivation in our lives. Society exists, if we are to believe Hobbes theory, simply as a method of ensuring our self-interest, or at least maximising it.His theory is built on the premise of mutual trust, yet the society would collapse without the threat of sanctions imposed by the sovereign. So, in fact it is not trust that is the raft that keeps society afloat, alternatively it is obviously fear. The most dist urbing fact in regard to his theory, I believe, is Hobbes notion that society arises largely as a result of our selfish ways. He suggests that we are egoistic, as we as being are driven by our desires. It seems that he does not seriously consider the fact that our desires could incorporate any notions of legitimately, and unselfishly wanting to help others.This in my opinion is instead bizarre. There are other tones to Hobbes theory that I find difficult to comprehend. His assertion that a monarchy offers us the best option for government is ludicrous to say the least, and his arguments to buy at this position are feeble at best. I will address just one of them here, to prove my point. In the course of his dialogue, Hobbes makes the claim that the best possible way to ensure that the constantly changing desires and needs of subjects are met, is to have a King or Queen as sovereign.When you consider some of the monarchies of our day, I will draw particular attention to the British monarchy, and how out of touch they are with their subjects, I think that it is fair to say that Hobbes opinions on this issue is almost laughable. Another aspect of Hobbes political philosophy that I find particularly disconcerting is his belief that conflict must never occur between subjects and their sovereign. Often, if not always, change only occurs as a result of conflict. Without conflict, we might never develop and hike significantly as societies.Revolutionary leader Thomas Jefferson said The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is natural manure (3). I believe that the threat of revolt is always necessary in order to keep leaders firmly in tune with the needs of their citizens. The final comment I will make on Hobbes work on this matter relates to the fact that I believe his theory is extremely defeatist in essence. Basically, Hobbes theory is built on the foundation that we desire peace so much that we should be willing to accept the evils of absolute power, or even dictatorship in order to maintain it.John Locke was born in Somerset, England in 1632. Like Hobbes, he lived in a period of great political instability. He was forced to flee England twice as a result of this situation, however, unlike Hobbes he was not soared against mankind as a consequence. In his major political works, his Two Treatise on Civil Government, he attempts to justify the revolution of King William of Orange against the legitimate monarch, King James II. In the first of these two treatise, Lockes purpose is to attack the ideas of pro-royalist Sir Robert Filmer, and specifically his theory put forward in his work The Patriarch. In the Second Treatise on Civil Government, Locke puts forth his own ideas on the establishment of a representative government. The focus of this piece shall be in the analysis of this work, as it displays Lockes own thoughts and believes. Locke developed the theoretical argument that becam e the basis for democracy, as we know it today within the western world. His ideas were to become the building blocks for the development of the constitution in both the United States of America and France. In fact, sections of his writings come out of the closet almost word for word in the United States Constitution and Declaration of Independence.The influence of his ideas on todays world cannot be understated. In examining Lockes ideas, I also hope to demonstrate how distinctly different his thoughts often are from Hobbes. There are a few similarities between the two mens work however. For one, Locke, like his predecessor Hobbes, begins his work by giving what he believes is the historical description of how governments came into existence. In the same way as Hobbes, Locke commences by examining the relevance of the social contract to the establishment of government. withal corresponding to Hobbes he discusses the state of nature. However, Locke believes that the fundamental mi stake in Hobbes theory is in his ideas introduced on this issue. Lockes state of nature is a largely peaceful one. hands live side-by-side, own property, possessions, and are free to do with these as they please. He rejects Hobbes notion that men are as a rule selfish, but rather thinks of a situation were many times people cooperate with each other, but unfortunately sometimes they are egoistic, but not always. For Locke, the law of nature that governs behaviour within this state, is quite simple.People should not harm others in his life, health, liberty or possessions (Locke, Ch 2). Life within the state of nature for Locke is a life of perfect freedom. Its moral order is overseen by the law of nature, which is God-given, and exists independent of any constitution or society. Essential to this moral well being, are the natural rights of the people living within this state. These entitlements include that of life, liberty, property and also the authority to reprimand those who vio late the natural law. It is difficult for individuals to do this alone, and so it is as a result of this factor, according to Locke that we were forced to vacate the state of nature, and establish societies. When a person breaks the law of nature, it is essential, he believes, to have the institutions in place to be able to punish the person, or persons in a fair and just manner. It is due to this fact that man originally voluntarily agreed to create society in order to have these institutions established (Ibid). These institutions that had to be erected had a number of goals, or objectives, which it needed to fulfill.Firstly, laws had to be created that reflected the needs of the population. In addition, these laws must become relatively fixed within the framework of that society, to the extent that those who would come under their influence would know them. Locke also felt that it was imperative to have at the core of these legal institutions impartial judges, who would have both knowledge of the law and authority to adjudicate in legal disputes. Finally, Locke rightly believed that all of this would be pointless unless the society had in place the resources to utilise these laws.If it did not, then quite simply the laws would not be followed (Ibid). Locke also discusses what he calls his state of war, which is very similar to Hobbes state of nature. In this state, there are no common judges or established institutions of law. Locke describes an environment where the fittest survive. This state of war can exist both inside a society and outside the jump of it. It occurs when somebody, or some group, attempts to acquire resources solely as a result of their power.Opposition to such tyrants, according to Locke, is not only justified, but he would even argue that at times it is completely necessary for the maintenance of the society. If an issue such as this is not addressed, life will simply revert spur to the conditions experienced within the state of nat ure (Locke, Ch 3). The accounts I have already given of the consensual agreement among citizens to establish legal institutions to oversee the upholding of the law are the basic rudiments of democracy. Laws within such a democracy are created only after long deliberation, and are not invented on the spur of the moment.This is often the case under the rule of monarchies, according to Locke, were laws are created and destroyed at will to simply fulfil the wishes of the sovereign. Furthermore, laws within a democracy will be created by representatives of the people and so, Locke argues, should clearly reflect the wishes of the society with whom they represent. An interesting fact built into Lockes theory, is his belief that certain aspects of human behaviour should not come under the influence of governmental control. He referred to these as rights. This particular notion of Lockes was another aspect of his theory incorporated in many national constitutions. The most luminary of these , is The Bill of Rights of the United States Constitution. The bill of rights grants those living in the United States certain undeniable rights, such as the right to free speech, the right to choose where one worships, and also the right to bare arms to mention a few. Also included within The Bill of Rights is the right to own private property. Again, this is another aspect of Lockes theory that he gave particular emphasis to within his work (Locke, Ch 5).Locke considered property to be much more than just material substance. He believed property to actually be part of oneself, as it is clearly the fruit of your own labour. Throughout his writings, property is used in a much broader sense than the dictionary definition of the word. It is usually referred to as meaning such things as life and liberty. Therefore, Locke argues that to attempt to take an individuals property from them, it is much more than simply theft. Instead, he maintains that it is an assault on you as a person. Th is particular opinion on property is very different from the beliefs expressed by Hobbes.For him, property is a creation of society. Furthermore, he insists that no person can claim anything as his own within the state of nature. What you own is only yours for as long as you are strong exuberant to hold onto it. Lockes ideas were obviously in marked contrast to those put forward by Hobbes regarding property. Locke believed that we were all created equal in nature therefore, society had no right to take from us what nature had given to us initially. This conception was advanced further and indeed incorporated into law. It is of course the NOTION that we are all equal in the eyes of the law.I deliberately highlighted the word NOTION, because I believe that is all it is, and the truth in reality is actually far from this (Ibid). The most democratic aspect of Lockes theory is incorporated in his ideas that when we departed from the state of nature, we voluntarily gave up some of our pe rsonnel rights to the government. Specifically, the right to punish those who transgress the law. This right is given to the executive who is appointed by the people and is therefore responsible to them. Lockes government is almost like a secretary for the mass population.Acting like a secretary, the government should simply do the jobs required by, or requested by the people. If the government does not fulfil the wishes of the population, Locke maintained, they should be removed from office. For Locke, power lies with the people. Revolution by the people is not to be ruled out if the government has to be removed for not fulfilling the wishes of its citizens (Locke, Ch 8). In order to prevent abuse of power by the government, or indeed any one area of it, Locke introduced the idea of dividing the government into three branches.Each branch has the capability to influence, and if necessary, restrain the other branch or branches of government. The different strands of government he est ablished were the executive, legislature and federative. Again, these branches of government are remarkably similar to those used in the United States. The executive and legislature proposed by Locke are very similar to those used in the U. S. government. Lockes federative branch was intended to deal with foreign negotiations, and does not in fact exists in the U. S. government framework.The third element of government there is called the judicial and deals with the legal applications of government. The overall goal of using three branches of government is nonetheless very similar in purpose in that its aims are restrict power from becoming to great within any one branch (Locke, Ch 12). Locke was particularly concerned with the executive gaining too much power. As a result, it is the legislature who is granted the greatest power and influence within government. The legislature makes the laws and the executive is only charged with enforcing these laws.Therefore, the ability of the ex ecutive is severely restricted by the limitations of the laws sent down from the legislature. Another interesting aspect of Lockes desire to restrict the executive is his belief that they could be removed from their office by the legislature should they defy the rules of that office. Again, an idea very similar to this is found within the scheme of the United States government. Impeachment proceeding can be taking against any member of the civil government, if they are believed to have broken any rules of their office.In the history of the country, impeachment proceeding has been introduced against three presidents. These affairs, overseen by the House of Representatives determine whether there is sufficient order against the accused to warrant a trial before the Senate. None of the three presidents were ever convicted of the charges against them. President Andrew Jackson was interpreted to trial before the Senate, but failed to be convicted by one vote. President Richard Nixon res igned from his office before proceeding could really get under way, following the fallout from the Watergate Scandal. Most recently, President Bill Clinton survived a vote in the House of Representatives and so was not forced to undergo a legal trial before the Senate. I believe Lockes theory is a substantial improvement on that proposed by Hobbes. Locke correctly identifies the two major weaknesses I see in Hobbes theory. They are centred on his believes that man is innately selfish, or egoistic, and so is motivated solely by self-interest, and also his believe that man can live stably and securely under the sovereign leadership of a monarch. He fails to convince me on either of these points.Despite the fact that I see much to be praised about Lockes theory, I feel that there are certain frailties that should be addressed, and I will conclude this essay by those that I feel are most significant. Essential too much of Lockes theory is his belief that living within the state of natur e, we have certain rights, which he insists should be transferred to the societal or governmental level. Locke provides little evidence to offer support for the significance he places on these rights, and the evidence he does provide is certainly not totally convincing.Concerning opinion on social contract, Locke fails to identify his position on the double contract, and seems to tactfully dodge this difficult issue. Although certainly not nearly as individualist as Hobbes, Lockes theory does seem to lean in favour of the individual, rather than towards the genuine concerns of the group as a whole. One notion within his theory in particular seems to suggest this standpoint most clearly. His belief that we consent to joining society, definitely suggest to me that one is doing so for ones own good, and any thoughts of common good, are secondary at best.Finally, Lockes belief that government and society should be built on the premise that the majority rule, at first glimpse appears fai r. This idea certainly was an enormous step forward from the ideas of those who came before him, passing play all the back to the ancients. However, often within democracies this notion is taking too literally and the majority rule only while considering their own interests and not those of the society as a whole. Minorities are treated like second-class citizens. Evidence of such behaviour can easily be found even within our own borders in Northern Ireland. Endnotes 1. Gauthier, D. Hobbes, A Companion to the Philosophers. (Oxford Blackwell Publishers, 2001), 305. 2. Blackburn, S. Dictionary of Philosophy. (Oxford Oxford University Press, 1996), 163. 3. Darwin, B. (Ed. ) The Oxford Library of Words Phrases. (Oxford Oxford University Press, 1981), 130. Note All other quotations cited throughout this essay are taken from 4. Hobbes, T. Leviathan, Classics of Moral Political Theory. (Indiana Hackett Publishing Company Inc. , 1996, 2nd Ed. ). 5. Locke, J. Two Treatises of Civil Gover.